Moving On

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I held the phone in my hand and listened as my mother spoke to me. "And he did the funniest thing yesterday"

"Really?" I asked trying to sound interested.

"Yes he laughed so hard milk shot right out of his nose-"

I stopped paying attention to what she was saying and looked at Joshua across the room.

He was in his office sitting at his desk with his glasses on. He looked focused on his computer. He picked up his phone and checked it then put it down.

"So I recorded it and he did it again I can send it you to you if you want"

"Yea okay, hey I have to go mom"

"Alright have a good day"

"You too" I hung up and looked at my fingernails.

I should probably go apologize to him for last night. I've been acting like a brat lately and Joshua's been putting up with me. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I stand up and fix my shorts as I walk toward him.

"Hey" I said as I stood in the doorway.

He looked up from his computer. "Hey"

"Are you extremely busy?" I asked.

He tilted his computer and leaned back in his chair. "No, what's wrong?"

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I don't know what got into me. I just got crazy"

He smirked. "A little"

"And I didn't mean what I said at all"

"I know, you were upset. It's okay Valentina"

"But I was rude, and I know you're only trying to help"

He pulled me in his lap and kissed me. "You're going through hell right now, I wouldn't expect any other reaction out of you. I'll take care of it"

I looked deep into his brown eyes. "How are you gonna do that?"

"Don't worry about that. Daddy takes care of everything"

I laughed at him calling himself 'daddy'. "Does he really?" I stood up.

"Oh yea" he slowly ran his eyes over me, stopping at my butt.

"Stop it" I hid my backside.

"I can look" he grabbed my wrist. "Let me look"

"No" I laughed and pulled away.

"Turn around for me"

"Kenny's in the other room" I whispered.

"He's fine he won't hear us" he grabbed my waist and put his face to my stomach.

"He will" I pushed his shoulders.

He slipped his cold hands up my shirt and unhooked my bra. "Stop it!" I scolded. "Fix it"

He stood up and picked me up. "Joshua. What are you doing?"

"You've been a pain in my ass. Let me do this"

"Let you do what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Whatever I want"

My phone started ringing and I turned around. "My phones ringing"

"It can wait"

"What if it's important?" I asked.

He glared at me and put me down.

"Hurry up" he smacked my butt as I went to answer my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Valentina"

"Oh hey Robert" I felt Joshua come behind me and guide me to the bedroom.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, you know just been working"

"How's everything at work?" I sat on the bed.

"Not the same without you but that's not why I called"

"What's up?"

"Tell him goodbye" Joshua said. I shot him a look telling him to shut up as I listened to Robert.

A smirk pulled at his lips. "Well I was wondering if we could grab coffee"

"Yea sure, when do you have in mind?"

"How about today?"

"Could we possibly do it another time?" I looked at Joshua, who took off his shirt and was messing with mine.

"Oh I can't, today's really my only free day"

"I can meet you in an hour" I reluctantly gave in.

"What?" Joshua said loudly.

I silently attacked him and covered his mouth with the pillow.

"Sounds good, I'll text you the address"

"Bye" I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed.

Removing the pillow from Joshua's face I got ready for his looks of disapproval.

"You're not going" he stood up.

"Joshua" I stood on the bed to be taller than him.

"No" I touched his chin and noticed his five o'clock shadow.

"I'm horny and I need you right now" he said honestly.

"I'll only be gone for an hour" I laughed. "Besides Kenny is in the house. We can't do anything with him here"

"But I need you here" His hands travelled to my butt.

"If you can get rid of Kenny, I'll do whatever you want"

"Whatever I want?"

"Don't make me change my mind" I rolled my eyes.

"No okay" he smiled. "I'll bring him to my moms"

I sighed but kept my thoughts to myself. "Okay, take him to your moms or possibly John's"

He laughed excitedly and left the bedroom.

I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth and finger combing my curly hair into a bun. Heading to the closet I run my fingers over my clothes I grabbed a a yellow sweatshirt and some jeans, matching them with black vans.

I grabbed my keys and walked to the front door. "I'll be back!" I yelled for Joshua to hear.

He walked toward me and kissed me slowly. I closed my eyes and let him take me over, moaning when he bit my lip.

"You have one hour" he whispered.

I smirked and walked out the door. He's so bossy.

Hey guys I'm sorry this chapter is so short.

Recently I've been a little busy with life and there are other things that I need to attend to before I write.

As you may know, Hurricane Florence touched down last week and has ruined many lives. Unfortunately I have family in the areas that were hit and I have been spending my time reaching out to them and making sure they are alright.

Thank you for supporting my book and being patient with me. I know I haven't been updating every two days like a promised, so I won't make that promise anymore. I will try to update every Friday, at the latest Saturday.

But for now I need to take care of my family in their time of need.

Thank you!

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