Dinner at Moms

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This feels like the worst Christmas ever, and we still have to deal with Jess at her house. She always wants to have dinner and make a scene.

"Ugh" I groaned as we pulled up to her house. "Can't we say something came up?"

"I'm afraid not" he shook his head. I stayed in my seat staring at the house. Joshua's hand slipped into mine and he kissed it. "It won't be bad, I promise"

"You can't promise that"

"I can, come on" he got out the car and ran to my side to open the door for me.

I rolled my head over to look at him but stayed in the car. He opened the door for Kenny and took him out of his booster seat.

"Come on Mommy" Kenny pulled my arm.

"Mommy's going to wait here"

"No she's not" Joshua said. He unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me out of the car.

"No" I whined. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

"Stop" I squealed. "Put me down"

He walked to the front door and put me on my feet. "Don't pick me up, you're going to hurt yourself"

"I'm indestructible" he smiled while knocking on the door.

Joshua's mother opened the door and her eyes immediately went down to Kenny.

"Hi Kenny" she hugged and kissed him.

"We're are the presents?" She asked Joshua.

"He opened them already"

"What? I told you to make him wait, why would you do that?"

"He's a kid mom, he wanted to open his gifts"

She scoffed and walked away. "We're eating dinner"

Walking in Joshua took my coat and we were greeted by his family. Some I'd already met and some I didn't.

"We're not going to stay long" Joshua whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and nodded, hoping that what he said is going to be true.

Joshua held my hand as we sat at the table. I can't deal with her crap today, I don't want too. Kenny climbed on my lap and rested his head on my chest.

"Hi Valentina" Jasper greeted me.

"Hi" I smiled.

"How's my grandson?" He spoke to Kenny.

"Good" Kenny put his arms out and Jasper picked him up walking away with him.

I sat back and took time to see all the people sitting at the table. All of Joshua's brothers were here with there wives and children, Joshua's parents and some other white people that I've never met.

I sighed and watched as everyone ate their food. They didn't even say grace first.

"Are you not going to eat?" Jess asked.

I stayed quiet not knowing who she was talking to.

"Valentina" she said annoyingly.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yes. Are you going to eat?"

"Oh I'm not hungry, thank you"

She looked at me for a long while before she began cutting the turkey.

"Have some turkey"

"I don't eat turkey"

"What do you normally eat for Christmas then, huh?"

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