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I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I fell asleep out here, I don't even remember.

I slowly rose to my feet and looked around. All I see are trees and leaves, no sign of the house I came from. I don't know where to go, I don't even know which way I came from.

I started hyperventilating as I freaked out. He could be watching me right now. This could be a trick.

I tried to swallow but my mouth is dry, I can't remember the last time I ate.

Why did he do this? Why does he have to be crazy?

I started walking south hoping I was heading toward a highway or a place with people.

I wonder how Kenny is doing. I wonder if he ate this morning. I'm getting back to my son, he's the only reason why I'm alive. He's the only person I'm in love with.

I heard a sharp bang off in the distance and immediately looked towards it. I freeze in my footsteps and stay quiet.

"Valentina!" I hear a deep voice off in the distance call. "Valentina!"

I listens more closely and it sounded like Joshua. "V!"

I ran toward the voice. "Joshua?" I called.

"Valentina!" The voice got louder as I sprinted through the trees.

I came to a clearing and looked around. I saw the house. The same house I ran away from yesterday.

"Valentina" I heard someone mock. I turned around and t was Bradley. His face looked from crying but he was smiling. "How stupid are you?" I fell for it. I'm so stupid. "You though your prince would be here? He doesn't love you!" He screamed.

"He will never love you like I do, I can't understand why you're being such a stupid girl" he started walking toward me.

I backed away from him and looked for somewhere to go. All that surrounds me are trees and since I simply can't tell direction I'll just run off and end up back here again.

"Valentina you just don't get it" He laughed. "Lets so inside, lets talk"

I shook my head and he lost his smile. "I don't want to hurt you"

I started running toward his truck but he quickly caught up and tackled me. I cried as he held me down and pulled a roll of duck tape out of his jacket.

"No!" I screamed. "Help me!"

He covered my mouth first then my hands and my feet.bHe threw me over his shoulder and into the little house. I screamed and wigged around trying to get out of his grasp.

He stopped walking and pushed my off his shoulder. I groaned as I hit the ground back first.

"I'm trying, V. I'm really trying not to hurt you but you make me so angry" he said nicely.

I squeezed my eyes shut and gasped for air through my nose. The rolled onto my stomach and tried to cough.

He pulled arms and lifted me over his shoulders again.

I can run anymore. I can't fight anymore. I'm so tired. I give up. I have to put my life in Joshua's hands, I pray that he can find me.

He carried me inside and threw my on the couch. "Mmm" I mumbled.



"Don't scream" he pointed his finger in my face.

I shook my head vigorously, saying that I wouldn't. He slowly pulled the tape off and I took a deep breath.

"Please... I can't breathe" I said weakly. "Please don't put the tape on me"

He sighed and ran his hand through his blond hair. "Don't scream, Valentina"

"I won't" I closed my eyes and rested my head on the couch. I'm sore and tired and hungry. I don't think I can take this much longer.

"What are you gonna do with me?" I asked as I looked at him. He bit his thumb nail sat in the chair across from me. Not saying a word.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" I asked.

He frowned at me. "Because I love you, I told you this"

"How do you love someone after knowing them a few weeks?"

"I've known you for years, V. I've just always waited and waited. I'm done waiting"

"What were you waiting for?"

"A chance to get to you, a chance to talk to you. You were so infatuated with Joshua that you couldn't even look away from him. I was there for every single part of your life"

I looked at him in fear. He was watching me? For six years?

"The whole time I was with Joshua you were watching me?"

He nodded. "And the whole time you were on your own with Kenny... I was watching you"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"This is how good relationships happen. I need it to trust me so I'm telling you the truth" he smiled and reached to touch my cheek but I pulled my head away. "I want you to trust me again"

Again. It makes me sick to even think that I trusted him in the first place. "Why did you wait five years to talk to me?"

"You had just started working with us I didn't want to scare you" he placed with the lost string on his jacket. Like a child. "And besides you always avoided me, I couldn't get close enough to talk to you"

"But I was so excited when I finally was able too. I was so nervous I didn't think I could keep my cool" he laughed like a geeky little boy. His cheeks were flushed red and his eyes were still red from crying.

"Ah" he sighed happily. "But I got you and I love you"

"What about my son?" I asked slowly.

He shrugged. "No"

"Wha- what do you mean 'no'?" I asked frantically.

"I want us to have our own kids, that's Joshua's son"

"Kenny is my son too and he needs his mother"

"He's bad for you, he'll keep you thinking about you old life and how it used to be. It's better off he stay where he's at"

Where the heck it Joshua? I need him more than ever and he's not here. I'm losing myself and my mind. How did Bradley become this way? Is Micheal helping him? Is he apart of this?

I trusted Micheal after everything that happened I trusted him and I helped him. But that wasn't good enough, he set his psychotic brother on me to kidnap me.

All I can do now is wait to be saved or wait to die.

"You don't look so good" he said. "It was probably because you slept in the woods"

"I can't breathe" I said. "I need to go to the doctor"

"No" he said quickly. "I am not taking you to the doctor"

"I might die if I don't go to the doctor, please!" I begged. "I'll be good, I'll do whatever you want, I'll stay by your side. I just need to get some help"

He looked my up and down then stood up. He reached for his back and pulled out a gun. Holding it directly in my face.

I stared down the barrel of the gun to scared to even breathe.

"If you do anything at all, I will kill you. Understand?" He asked.

I nodded and swallowed.

"Good" He put it back where it came from and ripped the tape from my hands and feet.

"Let's go, babe" he smiled.

His Wife's HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now