My Husband

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I opened the door and walked in the house. It was freezing cold and all the lights were off.

I turned on the light and walked to the thermostat, turning up the heat.

"Go take a bath while I make dinner" I told Kenny.

He dropped his things in front of the door and ran off. "Hey!" I said loudly and snapped my fingers. "These don't go here"

He gave me a sly smirk and picked up his jacket and toys then ran to his room. I heard the items clatter on the floor and laughed to myself.

"And get them off the floor" he's a mess, just like his father. I don't know what I'm going to do with him when he's older and the girls are all over him.

I took off my shoes and walked into the bedroom. Placing my purse and coat on the chair, I put my hair in a bun and walked into the bathroom.

Turning on the light. I look toward the bed and see Joshua laying down.

I see he's fast asleep and turn off the light before heading to the kitchen.

"Mommy I'm hungry"

"I know" I said looking through the fridge. I grabbed a cheese stick and handed it to him. "Eat this, I'll order Chinese food"

He took it from me. "Thank you Mommy"

"You're welcome"

I closed the fridge and picked up Kenny putting him on the counter. I stood in from of him while I looked at the menu on my phone.

"Did Josha leave?" He asked as he tried to take the wrapper off the cheese stick.

"No, he didn't leave"

"Why is he not here? He don't love us anymore?"

I looked at Kenny and frowned. "Why do you think that?"

"Because you argued on the phone" he kicked his feet and pushed the, still wrapped, cheese stick toward me.

I put my phone down and opened it. Handing it back to him he stuck it in his mouth.

"Everyone argues sometimes. When you don't agree with someone and they don't agree with you, then arguing happens" I picked up my phone again.

"And you don't agree with him?"

"Well I didn't earlier"

"Why not?"

"He didn't want me to go to work"


"Because he doesn't like when I work" I placed the order for our food and turned off my phone.


I chuckled and answered again. "Because he's a grumpy old man"

Kenny laughed and bit the cheese stick. "Does he not like when I go to school?" He smirked.

"No he loves when you go to school, he loves to see you learn"

"So he won't leave us alone, like how we was before?"

"I certainly hope not"

"Your birthday mommy!" He squealed changing the subject.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

He stuck out his fingers and counted. I don't know why he's counting, he doesn't even know what day it is. "How many days Mommy?"


"Three" he repeated me.

"You didn't take your bath" I remembered.


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