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I felt something messing with my foot as I slept. I lightly pushed it off thinking it was Kenny.

It found its way back to my foot and started pulling at my sock. "Stop Kenny" I said tiredly.

It stopped but after a while it started again. "Okay I'm up" I yawned.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the room for Kenny but I didn't see him. I swear I felt something grab my foot.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. "10 am" I said to myself.

I leaned back in the chair and put my feet back up. I felt my stomach turn as I smelled something awful. I coughed and walked over to the window opening it.

The door opened and I heard laughter. "Mommy!"

I turned around and saw Kenny running to me. I picked him up and hugged him. "Hey baby" I smiled.

"Good morning Valentina" Jess said as she walked in with jasper following behind her.

"Morning" I sniffed and I still smelled something terrible.

"We brought you breakfast" Jasper held up a bag and handed it to me.

"Thank you, I'm starving"

I sat down and put Kenny in the chair beside me.

I opened up the bag and saw eggs and pancakes. I opened up the eggs and smelled them. They smelled so bad I almost threw up.

"What's wrong mommy?"

"These don't smell good"

"They smell good to me"

"Here you eat them" I handed them to him and gave him a fork.

He gladly took it and started eating. "How's he doing?" Jess asked as she walked over to John.

"He's good, doctor said he's getting better"

"Did he say when he'll wake up?"

I shook my head as I poured maple syrup over the warm pancakes. "No, he said he'll wake up on his own when he's ready"

She sighed and tapped her foot. It was quiet in the room aside from Kenny's loud smacking and occasional sniffs. "I don't know how you can stay in this room Valentina, it's very dreary"

I shrugged and took a bite. "It's alright"

Kenny started coughing and I looked at him. "Stop eating so fast" I told him.

He nodded and asked for water.

"No water" someone said. I looked up at Jasper but he was looking toward me.

I turned around and looked at Joshua smiling with his eyes closed.

"Oh my goodness!" Jess hugged him and attacked him his kisses.

"Hey son" Jasper walked over to him.

"Daddy!" Kenny squealed.

"Come here man" Joshua held his arms out.

I picked up Kenny and placed him on the bed. Joshua wrapped his arms around Kenny, as he laid on his shoulder.

"You were sleeping" Kenny said.

"I know" he rubbed his back slowly.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled at me.

"Hi" I smiled back.

"How do you feel darling? Are you in pain? I'll go get the doctor" she left the room without letting him answer.

"I'm glad you're awake Joshua" Jasper said.

"Me too dad"

"I'll go find your mom" he smiled and walked out.

"He's so weird" Joshua laughed. He turned me and grabbed my hand. "How are you baby, are you okay?" I tried to hold my tears back as he spoke. He asked me if I'm okay, I'm not the one who got shot.

"I'm fine" I touched his cheek. "We missed you"

"You didn't fall in love with anyone else?"

"We had a couple dates, I wouldn't say love just yet"

He laughed and looked at Kenny. "You heard what he called me?" He mouthed. I nodded and smiled. "Finally" he sighed. "How long was I out?"

"A few months" I lied.

"You're not serious"

"No I'm kidding, only a couple days"

"You've been here the whole time?" I nodded.

The door opened and the doctor walked over to Joshua. They talked for a while about how he felt and some other things. I stopped listening I just couldn't believe that after all this time he's finally awake.

The doctor told Joshua he has to stay over night, they want to monitor him while he sleeps so he doesn't fall in a coma.

"Why don't you go home?" Joshua said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "I'll have Nate go with you"

"I'm not staying there, Joshua, not without you"

I typed away at my computer, trying to get some last minute work done and update my résumé. I've been saying I would stop working with Micheal for a while now but I think it's finally time to just do it.

"It'll be alright"


"Mommy" Kenny said, sitting on my lap. "I wanna play a game" he grabbed my computer.

"Hold on, let mommy finish this" He groaned and rubbed his face on my shirt.

"Then I'll put you in a hotel"

"You're not "putting" us anywhere"

"Please don't fight me on this"

"Mommy" Kenny called me.

"Everyone is talking to me at the same time and I can't focus!" I raised my voice. "Kenny I said wait. Joshua no"

I went back to my computer and began typing again. "You are so lucky I am stuck in this bed" he laughed.

"Why? You weren't gonna do anything" I smiled.

"You don't even what to know what I would do"

"That's why you're stuck in that bed and not doing it"

He breathed in sharply. "Just wait"

I finished doing all the work I needed to do and I gave Kenny the computer.

"Come here" Joshua said.

I stood and walked over to him leaning on the bed. "What?"

He took a deep breath and reached for something under his pillow. "You saved my life and I never got to thank you"

"You don't have to thank me"

"I do because I love you so much" he grabbed my hands. "

"Valentina Maxwell, I married you once and I fucked us up the first time but I swear on my life I will promise to love you with everything in me" I felt my vision get blurry as he continued to speak. "Will you marry me again?"

I wiped my face and nodded. "Yes I will marry you again" I laughed.

He pulled the ring out the box and slipped it on my hand. It had a huge diamond on it and two small ones around it.

I kissed him slowly and looked at my hand again. We doing this again, the right way.

His Wife's HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now