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My assistant stuck her head in my office. "Sir you have a visitor"

I looked at her confused. "Send them in"

She nodded and a tall man with dirty blond hair walked in.

"Joshua" he smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just want to talk" he sat in the chair across from my desk. "Can we talk?"

"What do you want?" I spat.

"You're going to tell her?" He asked.

"What?" I acted confused.

"Don't play dumb with me, I know that you're going to tell her"

Shit. He's already onto me, how did he find out? "How did you know?"

"She told me and I told her you were lying"

She wouldn't tell him that. He's bluffing. He's lying about something. "I don't know why she would tell you that, it's not true"

"Don't fuck with me!" He yelled. "I'm warning you Joshua"

I shook my head. "I'm done" I said. "It's been five long years, you've had your time with her"

"I had-!" He yelled. He stopped himself mid sentence and got quiet. "I had a month with her"

"That's not my fault"

"She's been dodging me for these past five years, I haven't had any time with her. I just got her"

"I'm not letting you control me, Bradley what kind of a man do you think I am?"

"I don't want to be the bad guy here" he smiled grimly. "But you're making me that guy"

"It that a threat?"

"No, I don't make threats, that's a bitch move, I take action!" She said sharply.

"And do what?" I sat up. Take action, what kind of action? What it's he going to do?

He laughed hysterically. "Would you like to know?" He sat back and crossed his legs. "You know I never expected this to happen. It'd be a shame if you just... didn't have her anymore"

I looked at my phone and unlocked it. I have to recorded what he's saying. If he does anything rash I can bring it to the police.

"And her son" he sucked his teeth. "Such a sweet boy, it'd suck to not have a mother growing up"

"You would know?" I asked sarcastically.

"I would fucking know!" He slammed his hand on the arm of the chair. "But so would you... and Anthony"

"Don't talk about him"

"Does she know about him?" He asked. "Does she know anything about you, the things you've done, the trouble you've caused?"

"No" I growled.

"I should tell her"

"It won't make a difference"

"Oh it will, I have a lot of shit on you Joshua" he stood up. "If she as so much moves differently, I'll know you told her and you'll find out what happens if she does know" he walked out of my office.

Leaving me to my thoughts. It's too late, I fucked up.

I stopped my phone from recording and texted Valentina.

~He knows. Text me asap when you get this~

My office phone rang and it was my assistant telling me I have a meeting in five minutes.

I need to go right to V's after work, something's not right.


"Thanks again for watching him, John"

"No problem" he looked at me. "If there's something going on, I have to know" he whispered.

"Nothings going on"

"You know I don't believe you, right?" I rolled my eyes. "Come on, you haven't been the same since you've been working for Micheal, you're over worked and your tired. There's more on your plate then your letting on. It's okay to talk about it"

"But John there's nothing to talk about and nothings on my plate. I appreciate your concern but I'm fine"

"You're fine? You've never asked me to watch Kenny for a four days"

"Please don't make a big deal of this" I whined. "It's not a big a deal"

"You're not telling the truth and the last time you weren't telling the truth, you turned out to be divorced and pregnant"

"Well I'm not pregnant and I'm still divorced, anymore questions?"


"I don't have time, I need to go" I grabbed my keys and walked into the living room. "Bye my baby" I picked up Kenny and kissed his cheeks. "I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay" he giggled.

I put him down and looked at him one more time before I left. "Thank you John" I said before I pulled off in the direction toward my house.

Kenny is staying with John for a few days until this is all cleared and over with. John doesn't need to know anything right now, he tends to freak out when he's worried and I don't want Kenny getting all worked up so I'm keeping it a secret.

I checked my phone and I got a text message from Joshua a few hours ago. I'll see what he said when I get in the house.

I parked my car and and walked to the front door of my house.


I yelped as I felt hands push me against the front door. "Please don't hurt me" I squeezed my eyes shut.

"It's me"

I opened my eyes and it was Bradley. He had on a black hoodie, sweatpants and sneakers.

"Don't do that!" I yelled and pushed him back.

"I'm sorry, I forgot"

I fumbled with my keys and and opened the front door walking inside but not letting him come in. "What do you want?" I asked.

"What's wrong?"

"You scared me, that's what's wrong"

"Can I come in?"

"I have a lot of work to do"

He licked his lips and nodded slowly. Okay"

"Okay what?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and gave me a sinister smile. "Why would you listen to him?"

I frowned at him not understanding what he's talking about. "You are with me, not him!" He yelled.

"What are you talking about?"

He pushed the door open and closed it behind him. "I am not stupid! I know he told you that I know about the auction! I have proof of it all and I'm going to ruin your life! That's what he said, huh?" He cried.

His eyes had red circles around them. He's crying. He's actually crying.

He got down on his knees and hugged my waist. "I'm so sorry, Valentina" He wailed into my stomach.

I started crying also. Tears were streaming down my face and into his hair.

"I didn't believe him" I said quietly. "I love you, Bradley"

He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. "I'm so happy you said that"

I looked at him confused and then he pulled a white cloth out of his pocket.

He tackled me to the floor and put the white cloth over my face. I struggled and tried to get away from him.

But he overpowered me by a million.

His Wife's HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now