Late Explanations

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"Ms. Matrix" Robert called me.

"Yes" I looked at him.

"You have a meeting with Joshua Maxwell"

"Yes, is he here?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Send him in"

Robert left and closed the door behind him. A few moment later Joshua walked in. I pretended to be busy just so I wouldn't have to acknowledge him.

"Valentina" he said.

I looked up and saw Joshua walking toward me quickly. "Hi Joshua" I said nervously.

How can he be so calm when he has me in stitches?

He sat down in the chair across from my desk and sat back. "This is a nice office you have here"

"Thank you" I said. "So what did you have to talk to me about? It sounded pretty serious on the phone"

He took a deep breath. "You're not going to want to hear this but just let me explain"

"Okay" I sat up and paid close attention to him.

"I have to tell you the reason why I wanted to divorce you"

I looked at him shocked. "What?"

Seriously? Now? He wants to tell me why he left me in the first place?

"Well I'm glad you feel ready Joshua" I

"Don't say anything" he stopped me. "I said I did it for a reason remember?" He sat up and leaned closer to me.

"Yes I do Joshua"

"Bradley blackmailed me-"

"Why would he do that?" I cut him off.

"He knows about the auction, he took pictures he has proof"

I stopped breathing to listen to him better. "What does that mean?"

"It was an illegal auction, if he leaks it to the press we all go to jail" I gasped and covered my mouth to stop from crying. "Even Bradley" he added.

"Why would he do this?" I sobbed. "It doesn't make sense"

"He bid against me at the auction, I think he's more than obsessed with you"

"I really don't want to hear this" I stood up. "Are you saying he's crazy?"

"He's psychotic"

"He wouldn't do that! He's not like that, he likes me" I said trying to convince myself that this isn't true.

"I know Bradley and he would do this. He hates me and he will do anything to keep you away from me"

"So that's why you divorced me? Because he had proof of this and-"

"He wanted me away from you, I was only trying to protect you" he got up and stood in front of me.

"Why would you tell me this now?!" I shouted. "You should've told me this years ago, we could've done something"

"I didn't want him to hurt you that way"

"So you lied to me instead? Joshua that was worse than anything I'd ever felt before. Do you know how it feels to trust someone completely and they just turn around and leave you?"

"Yes" He said looking straight into my eyes.

"Then you know how wrong you were" he stayed quiet. "So what are we going to do? Now I'm stuck with a man who is trying to hurt me" I said sharply. "I'm going to break up with him" I reached for my phone.

"Wait" He took it out of my hand. "You can't"


"He's crazy, Valentina. We don't know what he'll do, you have to stay with him until we can figure it out"

"I can't do that, I can't put Kenny in danger"

"We can ask John to keep him for a few days while we get this sorted out. I'll stay with you during until then"

"That's not necessary" I said.

"Valentina I'm not giving you a choice"

"I'm not giving you an option" I stuck my finger toward his chest.

He looked at my hand and grabbed it. "Did you get your nails done?" He asked.

I gently pulled my hand away. "Yes"

"Beautiful" He said.

He's trying to distract me. He's trying to pull me back in, I know this trick.

"Is he gonna hurt me?" I changed the subject.

"I won't let him. Don't be angry but I hired more bodyguards to watch you and Kenny"

I scoffed. "You didn't want to tell me first?" I asked.

"I know you would've said no, and I want you to wear your ring again"


"There's a tracker in it" he mumbled.

"There's a what? A tracker in my ring? Why the hell would you do that?"

"I'm well prepared aren't I?" He shrugged.

I chuckled. "You are well prepared Mr. Maxwell, I can't deny you that" I looked at the floor again. I felt his brown eyes burning a whole in my face.

I'm shocked and disgusted. Bradley is a bad guy. I can't believe I kissed him, I can't believe I brought him around my son. This is what I get for trying to be happy.

Joshua was right and he was only trying to protect me, this whole time he was trying to protect me.

"I can't believe this" I moved away from him. "I don't even know what to do with myself anymore"

"Just stay away from him until we can figure something out"

"How long is that going to take?"

"I don't know"

"Joshua I can't hold off on him forever,

"And you won't have too, I have a plan"

I sniffed and put my hand on my hips. "Okay" I said quietly. "I'll have John take Kenny"

"I'll be over at nine"

It's like Joshua and I are destined to be together because I just can't seem to get rid of him, I can't seem to be happy without him in my life in someway.

And now that I know Bradley's crazy, I want nothing to do with him. I have to take matters into my own hands. I have to break up with Bradley.

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