He's Got Me

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It's been a couple of hours since Bradley first locked me in this cold dark trunk. I kept close to the tail light, there was a crack in it and I could barely get any air.

My foot kicked kept hitting something that felt like bag. I reached down a bit and pulled it up. Digging through it I found a pocket knife. I knew because when I was feeling it, it cut my hand. Some small package that smelled like gum, a circle and a little box I gasped as I pulled the small device out of the bag. It might be a phone.

The car came to an abrupt stop and I hit my hand on the tail light pushing it out a little.

If I hit it hard enough it'll break and maybe fall out.

I took the pocket knife and used it to poke it until it popped out. I sighed and took a deep breath outside the hole.

"Oh God" I held onto my head and sat there for a while. I'm getting light headed.

I looked outside the peep hole and noticed we were at a gas station. I could see the gas pumps off the reflection of the glass.

I played with the little box until I pulled it open and a screen turned on. It's a phone! Finally I have a phone.

I called Joshua's number and prayed for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He said frantically.

"It's me" I croaked quietly into the phone.

"Valentina! Oh my God where are you!"

"We're parked at a gas station" I looked out the peephole again and saw a sign that said 'you are now entering Henning County' "In Henning County" I cried. "I'm in the trunk of a blue car.

Looking out the peephole again I tried to read off the the license plate. The license plate is VVRHS237"

"Okay babe" he said calmly.  I hope he's writing this down. Although he's more than amazing at remembering things"

"Please help me Joshua!" i said louder into the phone. "He's going to kill me"

I know for sure he will now because I tried to run from him. Then he'll come after Kenny"

"I'm coming babe, I'm on my way now, don't worry"

"I can't breathe" I groaned. It smelled of gas and different kinds of fumes.

"Breathe slow, take deep breaths" he said trying to calm me down.

I don't want to talk to him over a phone I want to talk to him face to face. I want to be in his arms, with him.

I started breaking quicker and I began to panic as I thought of how this is going to end. "Don't cry, I'm coming, Henning county is 30 minutes away from me, I'm coming right now"

"Hurry Joshua" I whispered. I heard talking and saw footsteps outside the peephole. "I have to go, he's coming"

"I love you" He said quickly.

"I love you too" I shut the phone and shoved in my bra. Then pretended I was asleep.

I felt the trunk open a little and something fall on me. When the trunk closed back down on me I felt around for what just hit me.

It was a bottle of water and a honey bun.

I grabbed the honey bun quickly and ripped it, savoring every bite. I didn't mean to eat the whole thing but I was so hungry that it was gone in a few seconds. I then gulped down some of the water. The car started moving and I laid my head down.

It felt like an hour being in the trunk, they kept driving so wildly that I continuously hit my head against the inside of the trunk.

I began to fall asleep when the trunk opened and the sun was shining in my face. I squinted and looked up at the shadow in front of me.

For a second I thought it was Joshua but then I saw the face of the man that stood before me.

"Let's go" Bradley said.

I slowly climbed out of the trunk and he grabbed my arm pulling me through trees and to a house.

It was a medium sized brick house that had a nice porch. "Why are we here?" I asked.

"Welcome home" He smiles down at me.

My heart dropped and my knees wobbled. Home? This is where he's keeping me? "Where are we?" I asked calmly.

"Far far away" he answered. "Let's go inside"

He held my hand and led me inside. It was nice inside, modern and open letting in a lot of light.

"Look around" He let my hand go.

I took a few steps forward and didn't know where to turn. He did it. He really got away with me. "This house was just sitting here?" I asked.

"No silly" he laughed. "I had it made"

"When?" To build a house like this it takes an immense amount of time.

"They started building it when I first met you and they finished it a few weeks ago"

He was planning this. I started crying and covered my eyes. I don't want I be here, I don't want to see this. It makes me sick.

"You started this all those years ago, Bradley?"

"Yea... why are you crying"

I wanted to say 'because your out of your freaking mind!' but instead I said. "I love it"

"You do?"

I bit my lip to hold back my tears. "Yea" I looked at him. "I do" I turned away from him and walked around the house.

Exploring and mapping everything in my head. "Valentina that makes me so happy. It makes me feel like I can trust you"

I smiled at him. "Your room is upstairs" he pointed to the steps.

I made my way toward the steps and up them looking through every room until I got to the master bedroom.

I took my time to go through all the details of the room. I went through the closet and touched all the clothes he bought for me and I briefly looked in the huge bathroom.

"I can't believe you did all this" I said. "I don't know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything. I want to apologize for putting you in the trunk it was a little excessive, I just can't control myself when I'm angry"

I nodded understanding. "But we can work on that" I said.

"You and I together" he smiled.

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