yo man i am so done

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well first things first ((im the realists)) ok anyways.





i have said this like a million times. so guys. stop asking me if he died. I'll make him die if that's what you really want ((im actually considering it..))

so please stop asking me? bc I get super excited and start to fangirl every time I see that someone commented or messaged me. but then it says "luke died omfg you sick person"

lol ok.

And secondly. if you're confused, it's great okay. I understand you're confused bc this book is confusing and it'll clear up in a few more chapters.

So before you comment "i'm confused af this story sucks" on each and every chapter.

Just wait ok? I'm trying.

People telling me that this book sucks. hurts.

And whether your reading this or not, thanks. bc this has been a big part of my life and omg this sounds like I'm ending this book.

I'm not ending it

So I'd like to say thank you so much for keeping up with me, and if I could dedicate this chapter to everyone of you, I swear I won't hesitate to do it!

And I seriously do mean it when I say I love you. bc it makes me the happiest person in the world knowing you've read something of mine.

I'm getting dramatic sorry.

so if any of you need anyone to talk to. about hot pockets, love, this confusing book, or advice for school, anything really.

don't hesitate to message me bc I promise I'll answer you back.

I love you. ((hope it's not creepy lmfao))

With weirdness,


((Chapters almost done, it'll be up next week, stay tuned))

Ps. I have kardashian and I am so angry with it.

Pps Hi

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