Side track two

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"Welcome, Mr. Hemmings, I'd like to ask you questions if you don't mind."

Luke took a seat crossing his arms, shaking a little. he nods his head putting his legs under the chair he was sitting on.

"I heard you and Bella were close."

No shit, luke thought. He doesn't speak, but instead nods his head not daring to look the person in front of his in the eyes.

"When did you first, I don't know, maybe first saw her, or notice her?"

Luke stiffened a bit as he didn't know what to say, or even if he should say anything. He was surprised of the words were coming out of his mouth.

"I met her year nine, well not exactly met her. I noticed her then." Luke paused trying to remember that day "she was in my English literature class, my dad forced me to take the class and I barely even passed." Luke shaked his head knowing he's coming off topic.

"I remember I slept through most of the class, and woke up to the teacher yelling at me for it was her turn to present." Luke paused furrowing his eyebrows together "she spoke of losing but not losing but of loss and shit."

"What did you think of that?"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows putting his lip ring in between his fingers and softly smiled.

"I thought it was the fucking most beautiful thing i'️ve ever heard."

"When did you actually start speaking to her?"

"We were in detention I guess. Well we always were to be honest. But yeah. We were the only two in detention with a dumb ass teacher who left for Timbits." he says.

"What made you realize you wanted to talk to her?"

Luke stops to think, not really knowing what to say, thinking of something to say.

"I don't know, I guess she was pretty." he smiled knowing that it's not all a lie. Luke really did think she was pretty "I thought she was strange for never talking, because her voice was god damn beautiful." he grins to himself.

"What made her different from the other girls?"

Luke was speechless. He didn't know what to say. So he shrugged.

"You have nothing? nothing at all?"

Luke pursed his lips, looking down at the ground.

"She was just..different from all the rest." He plays with the hem of his shirt nervously, "She listens to the same music I do and..." he trails off blanking out on the memories of her.

Her warm blue eyes, her soft pink lips, the colour of her soft hair. Luke was intrigued by the memory, wanting the picture if her to stay longer in his mind, but the voice snapped his thoughts.

"Mr. Hemmings, I was asking you a question. Now, it says here before she was admitted to Saint Annes hospital, they found scars. Do you know anything about it?"

Luke cringed at the word scars. Of course I know he thought. Luke slowly nodded his head

"She..hurt herself" Luke tried to pick the right choice of words "and yes I knew, she told herself."

"Care to explain?"

"It was, I don't know, like..4 months after we started talking?" Luke questioned himself "We were, complicated, she was scared to like me, I could tell, even though her eyes told me she did. She frustrated our relationship even more." Luke trails off clenching his fists "She'd always tell me about her dad. How he'd come home every night, drunk off his ass rambling about his dead wife." Luke stops, his body was shaking, tears were pricking at his eyes.

"She ran to my house one night, in the rain." Luke tried to smile "she had gashes all over her wrists and forearms." tears were slowly coming down his cheeks, he wiped it away quickly with his arm

"Michael wasn't home that night and her dad came back to her apartment. He was drunk. a fucking drunk and yelled at her." Luke was squeezing his arms at the thought of her. the memory of her on his front doorstep.

"When he left, she..cut herself. Over and over, because she thought it was her fault her mum was dead." His voice shaking "she came to my house that night, crying that she was sorry. She said sorry so many times you couldn't count."

Luke remembered that night, his memory of her, so fragile in his arms, slowly caught in his mind. Her hair all messy, and the tears wetting his shirt, Luke rubbed his eyes.

"Did she mean a lot to you?"

"Yes" luke didn't hesitate to say it "she still does."

"How about, Michael clifford. What is he to you?"

Luke stops to think for a minute "he's a friend, a close friend...someone who, uh." luke trails off not really knowing what to say "To be honest, I hated him at first. He was always a dick, but we learned to like each other as times pass."

"Care to tell me how you two first met? or how about... the first time you've noticed him."

He furrowed his eyebrows trying to think of that vague memory "there was a school assembly." He trails off, "And Bella got called out for not wearing her school uniform." luke chuckled a bit at the memory "everyone laughed at her, because she thought it was civi's day, and some dude with bright punk hair stood up." He softly smiled

"It was Michael, and he yelled at everyone to shut up."

"Oh I see, Michael is one of those people eh? Anyways, Luke, what do you think of Michael's and Bella's friendship?"

"At first" he pauses wondering if it was a ridiculous thing to say at a place like this "I thought they were fuck buddies." He says "They lived in the same apartment, they were always together but showed no emotion towards each other, and they always hid in the janitors closet."

"You went to school with mr.clifford for how long?"

"Three years? before he dropped out to become one of those city bus drivers." he answers

"Michael said something about, a CD? I think it was, or maybe it was a-"

"Cassette, a mixtape actually." Luke interrupts.

"Oh yes that was it, what is that exactly?"

"I don't know really" he says truthfully "we sorta had the same taste in music. So I gave her a mixtape, full of my favourite songs and we always listened to it I guess." he pauses smiling running his fingers through his hair "We always had it no matter where we went."

"What is this mixtape again?"

"A mixtape" luke smiles "a mixtape straight out of '94."



Um two things

First. I love you.

Secondly, I love you c:


When do you start school?

September 2 it apparently starts early this year :c

The actual chapter got deleted so I had to make this one, i'll have it up as soon as I can 😊

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