Chapter 31-Prisoner of...

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Chapter 31

Dylan pov

Man I am done in. My day was nothing but meeting after boring meeting. I hate the formal meetings but they are necessary to keep all of the packs on good terms. I have been giving my all to being Alpha this time around. I want to prove to Tiffany that I am not the screw up I used to be. Before she came to Georgia and even after I was interested in nothing but making myself happy. I tried to do what was best for the pack most of the time but if it interfered with what I wanted…well I would be selfish and get what I want regardless. I can’t believe how much having the position of Alpha taken away has changed me. If I am being completely honest with myself it was more Tiffany changing me than anything. Once I handed the Alpha position to her I worked my tail off when I was on security duty but after hours I was wasted all of the time.

Wonder why Tiffany and Stephan haven’t made it back home yet. I picked up my cell phone and made a call to Stephan. It rang several times and then went to voice mail. Dang! I guess they are still training and probably don’t have signal. A knock on the door interrupts my thinking.

“Come in,” I said. Sandy stepped in the room.

“Have you seen Tiffany? I have been looking for her for a couple of hours now,” she told me.

“No, Stephan took her to train. They probably just haven’t got back yet,” I shrugged.

“Well…I know he took her to train but that was this morning. She never trains for more than a few hours in her weakened condition. Plus, she was supposed to meet me for a late lunch since she was training today. It’s going on six now. I am getting really worried about them. What if something happened to her?” she asked and she did look really worried. I wasn’t until she told me they had left in the morning time.

“Let’s go check the tracker for the car they took,” I said. We keep gps trackers on all the pack vehicles. The only vehicles not tracked are the few personal vehicles of the security crew in case we need to escape the region because of an attack. We went to the security room and Carl the computer guy pulled up all the pack cars for the day and footage of people leaving. We saw that Stephan had decided to take his own truck that wasn’t tracked. So we are going to have a difficult time finding out where they are.

I left Sandy with Carl and pulled together a small search and rescue team. Tiffany and Stephan may have been attacked. That thought crushed my heart. I had to force myself to think about the search task instead of the reason behind it.

Tiffany pov

When I awoke from my comatose state I found myself in a big fluffy king-sized bed and my training clothes were replaced with a floor length dressing gown, chemise, like from the 1800s or something. That’s what it reminded me of. The top was built with a corset with my boobs practically falling out. The room I was in was exquisite. It was light blue with a large black chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. The wood floors were cold on my bare feet. Across from the bed I awoke in is a balcony made from a white-looking marble stone. The view was incredible. Walking out on the balcony you see beautiful flower gardens and beyond them is a huge lake and then nothing but forest. It was absolutely breathtaking.

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