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Chapter 12

“Tiffany, I’m home. Come down here we are gonna go out to dinner. Wear something nice. Tiffany, do you hear me?” Dylan and I are just staring at each other. He winks at me and says, “I will be back for you later tonight.” Then he was out the window and gone.

“Yeah mom I hear you,” I replied. Mom had decided to take me to a nice little Italian restaurant on the edge of town. She wanted to take me out because she knew she had been gone a lot lately. She wanted us to have time to enjoy our meal and talk instead of cooking and cleaning. We stuffed ourselves on manicotti and salad. Also, we sat and talked for probably an hour after our meal and I think the restaurant staff was wishing we would leave. Finally, we got the check and left.

I was getting pretty nervous about Dylan coming after me tonight. Wonder if I could just sleep in mom’s room tonight? What explanation could I give her for that? It’s not like I’m five years old and I’m scared of the monster in my closet. Mom pulled her car up to the house and I was relieved to see Rodney sitting on the porch waiting on us to get home.

“Looks like you have company,” mom said with a smile on her face. I smiled back and hopped out of the car.

“Hey beautiful,” Rodney greeted me with those scorching brown eyes that always seemed to smile when he looked at me.

“Hey I really need to talk to you, privately,” I told him. He looked worried but gave me a slow nod. We went inside and up to my room where we could talk with no mom ears listening. As we walked through I shut the door. The door, ew the memory of earlier with Dylan made me instantly panicky. “Dylan was here. He plans on coming after me tonight. Please don’t leave me here by myself tonight.” Rodney’s whole body had frozen with an irate look on his face. I was beginning to worry he was angry with me for having Dylan here. Even though it wasn’t my fault but he didn’t know that. He stayed frozen like that for so long that I was beginning to think he would never move but when he did he came over and swept me up in his arms. He was hugging me tightly to his chest, his powerful chest.

“I won’t let him get to you. He is the Alpha and could order me to give you to him, so we have to get out of here and fast.” Rodney spoke with a swiftness that had panic of his own laced into the words.

“I can’t just leave. What will I tell mom,” I asked. “She definitely will not let me just leave with a boy in the middle of the night.”

He stood there like he was studying me and it was starting to make me self-conscious. Then he suddenly said, “I got this. Stay with your mom until I get back. I won’t be long but do NOT be alone until I get back. Do you hear me?”

“Yes I hear you just fine I am not a child,” I snapped. He just smiled and gave me a quick peck on the forehead and walked me back down the stairs. In the next two hours I had talked mom into baking cookies with me and then we watched a little television.

“Tiff, do you remember when we use to go to the market and you would try to embarrass me?” she asked a little amusement showing through.

“Umhm,” I said all too well remembering how I use to torture her when we would go shopping. This was quite hilarious to a 12 year old at the time. Making a fool out of myself was worth it if it would bring a little discomfiture to my mother that I loved so much. A smile was playing across my entire face remembering it. It was a game I played on momma because she always seemed so cool and confident. I just like shaking things up a little. She would always get on to me for it but there was humor in her eyes because she loved me so much.

“And do you remember the best day of you acting out like that?”

“Absofreakinlutely! You threatened to start singing in the middle of the store! I mean I was a kid and you were supposed to be the adult! Geesh!” I exclaimed still horrified by her threat of singing in public and knowing that I looked enough like her for people to know she was related to me. Although they usually thought she was my sister instead of my mother. That may sound a little snippy but actually I was proud that momma was so beautiful. While I was reliving the painful childhood memory mom was laughing so hard I thought she may break a rib.

Just as I was about to get up and huff away from my hysterically laughing mom the doorbell rang. Finally, I thought took him long enough. As I swung the door back it definitely wasn’t who I had been expecting.


Who do you think is at the door?


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