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Chapter 30

I thought Dylan was going to take me in his kitchen this morning but instead we made out for idk how long. And then he slowly backed away telling me he wants our first time to be special. Dylan had pack business all day today and I needed to work on gaining more strength. Stephan had volunteered to be my assistant for the day since he would need to be with me for security anyway. He said he knew a huge field far away from civilization so I could try my abilities at as full of power as I could handle without causing a scene for humans to hear or see.

I heard Stephan talking to someone downstairs so I quickly pulled my hair up into a pony and ran down stairs.

“I’m ready!” I said as I bounced down the stairs. Stephan looked over and smiled at me.

“Great let’s get out of here,” he said enthusiastically. Man I am so lucky things have finally started to fall into place for me. Maybe everything will work out on its own like Sara always tells me.

“We are taking your truck?” I questioned Stephan. We usually take the pack vehicles.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty rough ride part of the way and I didn’t want to chance a pack vehicle when mine sets higher off the ground,” he told me. Ah, yeah that makes sense. I sat most of the ride just daydreaming about my date with Dylan. When I noticed that we had left pack lands I asked Stephan, “Is it safe to practice completely out of pack lands?”

“Oh yeah, this is Brown Bear Pack land. They are our ally. We have no worries about going on their lands for training purposes. They will gladly help out,” he said with sureness.

Finally, after an hour and half of driving he pulled over onto a gravel road and we went several miles back into the woods. Just as he said it was quite the rough ride. This road was not really made to drive down then he pulled over where the path ended.

“Would you mind if I carried you until we get to the field? It will make our trip much quicker because the terrain is rough,” he asked. I nodded. He grabbed me up into his arms and we traveled that way for some time. I am glad I let him carry me because the terrain was brutal; briars, sinkholes, mountainous ground, with sharp rocks at every turn.

We finally made it to the field he was talking about and there were people, lots of people there in the field. I looked at him questioningly. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

“I invited some friends to help us train,” but the way he said train sounded funny.

“Oh, okay,” I say really unsure. None of these are our pack members from what I can tell. Maybe they are from the Brown Bear pack. They don’t look all that friendly though I thought as they all stared at me with blank faces. Not one smile to be seen. A tall slender man came over to us and asked Stephan, “Are you ready to start?”

Stephan nodded his head yes and tightened his grip on me and said, “You should have picked me…” but I couldn’t hear the rest of his words because after he nodded the slender man quickly pushed a needle into my arm that Stephan was holding in his tight grip.

Stephan’s pov

Why didn’t she just choose me as her mate! I would’ve been the all-powerful Alpha with a gonja for a mate. I would’ve been unstoppable! I would own the world of the wolves. But the stupid chick had to choose Dylan! Dylan! He already had his opportunity once! She had that dumb Rodney for a mate, but he couldn’t keep his real feelings at bay long enough to gain power, which is all he wanted from her! But me I want her as my mate. She is beautiful. She’s smart. She, when in full control of her abilities is so powerful. That night I sent the other pack to that party to destroy the moonbeam pack she ruined my plan. I would’ve gained power that night if she hadn’t been so dominant. But that makes her even more desirable to me. I will capture her heart which I have been working on for some time now. She will eventually have Stockholm syndrome and fall in love with me, her captor. Then we will mate and I will have everything I have ever dreamed of and more. I always dreamed of being powerful which is why I worked so hard to get on the council. But to have a gonja and be powerful…It’s more, more than even I imagined.


Stephan the evil little buggar!!!

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