Chapter 23-Battle with Destiny

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Another shorty but I will try to upload again tonight sometime...


Chapter 23

I am so confused right now! Did he really mean everything he just said? Or is he just afraid of the fight he is going into? Shadow pulled me out of my thoughts by clearing his throat.

“My dear AG, I have promised to keep you safe. We should make our way back to the Alpha house,” Shadow told me.

“Shadow I know what you promised but those are my children back there in the fight for their lives. They are my reason to be alive and I cannot walk in the opposite direction of their pain and possible losses. I hope you can understand I must go back and do what I ca--,” I was cut short on what I was saying by many of the spirits I have been in contact with in the past months since my powers came. Sarah was directly in front of me.

“Tiffany, you wish to risk your life for your pack and we are here to ensure your safety in the fight,” Sarah stated. The crowd behind her merely nodded.

“As you wish my AG. I would never interfere with your decisions,” Shadow told me. And I think he felt the presences of the dead surrounding me but he seemed to be at ease with it. “Are they here? Have the spirits come to assist you, my gonja?” Shadow asked.

“Yes they are with us now Shadow,” I simply said.

As I walked back toward the party shack I could hear the battle ensuing. Power was surging through my veins and I'm not even sure if it's from me or the spirits following me. The sounds coming from inside the house were bloodcurtling screams, deathly moaning of the injured, and the sounds of breaking of everything in the house. Shadow tapped me on the shoulder I turned to see what he wanted and he handed me his walking stick. I took it without question. We were all standing in the front yard of the shack where more fighting was commencing.  Over the past months I had reined in my powers but they were always what was needed for each situation and none of what I had done so far would help us in this dire situation. I had to do something so I just followed my instincts and prayed.

I took the large stick in my hand and tapped it on the ground three times and the night lit up like a summer lightning storm. It was blinding. Suddenly, not only the dead I had brought but hundreds of others surrounded the house. Each with their own family members in the battle. The battle continued and I wasn’t sure what to do. Sarah came over, “Just follow your heart Tiffany this is your destiny.”

So I mustered all of the strength in my soul and tapped the stick roughly on the ground once as I did so red and blue flames flew from the top of the stick into the night sky it sounded like a canon had went off. The entire battle inside and out stopped instantaneously. The spirits all had their arms wrapped around each of the people involved in the battle. Each person looked as if they were in frozen shock. I took that as the moment I should speak and take hold of my destiny.

“My children I will no longer accept your disobedience without severe punishment. You are harming one another and I will not tolerate it. You feel the spirits of your ancestors capturing you at the moment. I am the head of their pack just as I am the head of each one of you. This will cease immediately or their will be great consequences for each of you. You feel my power radiating from each pair of cold dead arms encircling you. They are only able to hold because of my power. Now that you realize how great of power I hold you will submit. My ancestor spirits please release.” I spoke with all the authority that came from all of the spirits surrounding me. Each living person suddenly was slumped on the ground having been released by their ancestor. Each living person stared up at me with only great respect radiating out to me. They all came up to one knee and bowed to me. Now that the battle had stopped, my work was done and no one else would die tonight. The fire from the stick in my had faded out quickly and then my world went black.


What will happen with Tiffany?

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