Chapter 29-DATE pt 2

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Date part 2 is dedicated to Izabel12 um...just becuase I freaking <3 her lol...Seriously like my one of my biggest supporters and her comments inspire me to upload much of the time!!


Chapter 29

I am all suited up in a wet suit and ready to swim with TiffanyAnn the dolphin. This is beyond the most thoughtful date ever! Could thing get any better? Things with pack are running seamlessly with Dylan in charge. No more threats from other packs or rouge wolves so far. I am getting stronger everyday and soon I will be able to take the Alpha position back and who knows maybe Dylan and I will even date, like exclusively. Whoa okay I realize I am getting ahead of myself here.

An hour later…

We were walking hand in hand back to Dylan’s car.

“This was really thoughtful of you…you know all of this was just…idk really great,” I told him stuttering around trying not to look like an idiot and failing epically.

“Yeah,” he said as he looked like he was thinking hard about something then he shrugged. “Well when things get really tough and I’m hung-over or whatever I come here and it’s just peaceful. This is my alone time place that seems to make everything better,” he told me looking almost embarrassed. I felt like he had broken his entire tough guise exterior for me tonight. It made me feel special that he would bring me to his spot that he chooses to be alone.

“Would you be interested in joining me for a movie and popcorn at my apartment?” he asked actually giving me a choice. That’s a first, I thought. I nodded and blushed a little thinking about being alone with him.

As we got to his door he unlocked it and held it open for me to enter first. He had had this apartment since he relinquished the Alpha position. I let him have it because I thought space on his own time would help the transitional process. I was floored when we walked in…it was spotless. So either he had a maid or he was really a clean person.

“Why don’t you head into the den and I will be there shortly with our popcorn and pop?” he asked and pointed to the left of where we were standing.

“Okay great,” I said and went to the den just around the corner from where we were standing. When he came to join me he handed me a bowl of chedder popcorn and a box of malt duds as he put our soda pops on the table in front of me. He put a movie in and came to sit next to me.

“What are we watching?” I asked really curious now. This date had been so perfect already I didn’t quite know what to expect.

“Breaking Dawn?” he said but it came out in a question like he was worried for my reaction.

“Really I didn’t peg you for a Twi-hard,” I giggled out.

“Ah I’m totally not but I know you are crazy about that and they tell me this is the newest release of it. I was hoping you hadn’t seen it yet,” He said. OMG is he like the best date ever! He is watching a chic flic just to make the date nice for me.

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