Chapter 8-Riding in Cars with a Boy

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Pic of Tiffany on the side when she straightened her hair---------------------------------->

Chapter 8

After today’s information overload I just crashed on my bed. At the moment I don’t care about any of it. What they were, Sarah, and most of all what I am suppose to be or what I already am. When I woke up my alarm was blaring I slammed my hand down on it and cursed. I make my way out of the bed and to my mirror. Geez, I look like death with a bird’s nest on my head.

“Tiff babe, are you out of bed?” mom asked.

“Yeah mom I am getting ready.”

“Hurry up because I want to talk to you.” She yelled up the stairs.

“Ok” I answered back. I got myself together as fast as possible and headed down the stairs. Mom was waiting at the bottom of the staircase. Uh oh. This can’t be good. “Yeah mom what is it? I have to hurry or I’m gonna be late for school.”

“Tiffany is something going on with you?” she didn’t even wait before continuing. “I come home yesterday to a boy out on the porch saying he was just waiting to talk with you. Then when I come in to ask you about it you are passed out on your bed. I didn’t want to wake you because I didn’t know what was going on, but I do expect an explanation.”

“Well mom I told you some of it already, but there is more. You know I am having boy trouble but since we have already discussed ghost in depth and I know you believe in them. I will tell you that one lives in my room. There’s been a lot going on and I was just exhausted yesterday.” I spill my guts to momma because she will get it out of me one way or the other.

“Do you feel like going to school? I could write you a note.” Always being the cool mom. I had to smile at that.

“No mom, I feel much better today.” I lie to make her feel better.

“Okay, well you know I am here whenever you need me sweetie.” She told me.

I just smiled again and was out the door. Bouncing down the front steps I did actually feel better a little. When I halted in my tracks as a Silver Trans Am caught my eye. It was Rodney. He was standing by the passenger door of his car holding it open for me. Without a word I just got inside. I don’t even know why I did.

“Thanks,” he said as he slipped into the driver’s seat. I didn’t breathe a word. “I really am sorry and I would like to start over and be your friend if you will let me.”

“Of course I will let you be my friend. But don’t think I have forgotten or that you are forgiven.” I retorted.

“That’s a start. I’ll take it.” He said happily. I looked at him and he just smiled at me innocently. We drove to school in silence. As we got there he parked by all of his friends, which I now know are all Werewolves.  I heard a faint growl as I got out of his car and I was going to ignore it blame it on my imagination but Rodney’s head snapped around at the sound of it. When I looked it seemed to have come from the fierce looking Dylan.

How weird is that I thought to myself. We walked into the school side by side Rodney and I. He walked me all the way to American History class. He said a quick goodbye and he was off. Well if nothing else he was trying hard to be my friend. At least I had a friend.

Dylan spent the day giving me dirty looks and I wanted to tell him off but I remembered he was a wolf of some sort and it probably wasn’t smart. Then when I saw him at lunch with Cynthia I had to wonder… was she a wolf too?

After lunch I was heading to the library before I had to get to my next class when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see who it was and he rammed into me. “Damn, oh sorry I wasn’t expecting you to turn so fast.” It was Dylan. I couldn’t even say a word. “Why were you with Rodney this morning? Why were you in his car? What the hell is going on between the two of you, it damn well better not be what I think!” Wow he goes from apologizing to being pissed in no time. Do werewolves have pms or something? “Well! Are you gonna answer me?”

I so couldn’t stop myself even knowing what I do about what he is. I had unleashed my tell off button when I got to this place and apparently there isn’t a shut off. “What the hell business is it of yours what I do or who I do it with? Back the F off of me!”There take that mr.wolf. I spun around and took off in the opposite direction. I wasn’t quick enough.

He grabbed me by my arm and spun me back to facing him. He grabbed my hips and dragged me into him. His mouth at my ear and his hands digging into my hips painfully he said, “You are MINE. Everything about you is my business and if I catch you around any male I will rip their heads clean off their body. Do we understand each other?” luckily just at that moment before I had to answer Cynthia had come looking for him.

“Hey, you little skank get away from my man!” she came running but Dylan let go of me just in time to catch her before she got to me. I just turn and ran…yes again I just ran to my next class.

What do I do now? Do I just walk home? Or ride with Rodney, that doesn’t seem like a smart choice at the moment though.


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