★chapter 28 - the words she whispered

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"Natsuki?" Yuri whispered pleadingly. "Please answer."

Natsuki shook her head slowly.

Yuri pulled away and stood up. "I need to know what's going on."

Natsuki still said nothing.

"Do you want some water?" Yuri asked.

What the actual fuck. Who says that? Water. That's probably the last thing she was thinking about.

Natsuki nodded. Yuri rushed downstairs to fill a glass with water and bring it to the seemingly traumatized girl.

The pink haired girl slowly sipped the water, staring at a wall.

"I-I guess I'll just...just g-go," Yuri stammered. She exited the room to allow the girl some privacy.

She didn't quite know what she was doing. All she knew was where she was going.



"Wonderful to see you, Yuri," he said, smiling. "Have you realized that you want me back?"

Yuri pursed her lips. "I don't want you back, Gomibako," she said sternly.

Toire Gomibako was her ex. She'd really loved him, and he loved her. It just...didn't work out. He was too... immature. In a bad way, of course. He'd never know when to leave Yuri alone.

She remembered, a few years ago, when she had given her virginity to him. It wasn't a big deal. It was sex. It was common. But he would always find a way to make it unenjoyable. It wasn't his fault, for she knew about his childhood. She knew that had traumatized him, but he let it affect him in the weirdest ways.

He would make sound effects for everything he did, then giggle about it.

When he sat down, he would grin and say, "Plop!" and laugh as if he'd made the funniest joke ever.

It was kind of cute.


When they had sex, he'd go "Slosh slosh slosh!"

And that, my friend, is how that relationship ended.

Nonetheless, Yuri tried to stay friends with him, but he absolutely believed that the only reason a female would talk to him is if they were interested in fucking him.

"Then what did you come here for?" Gomibako asked.

"I need your help."

Although he was immature, he was great at advice and parts of psychology.

"Put your hands up!"

Yuri spun around. A police officer stood before her.

"Which one of you is Toire Gomibako?" the officer asked. Gomibako's face darkened. He shoved past his ex girlfriend and took off running.

"What's going on?" Yuri asked, shaking her head wildly, looking back and forth between the officer and her ex. Several officers had exited cars and chased him down.

"Toire has been suspected of several rape charges. Were you informed of this?"

"Of course not!" Yuri stepped back defensively. "I'm his ex girlfriend."

"Were you buying drugs when we caught you two?" The officer asked, raising her eyebrow.

Yuri made a noise of disgust. "I hate drugs," she answered.

"I'm gonna have to pat you down to make sure you have no illegal substances."



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