★chapter 18 - nao's girlfriend

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The festival had gone relatively well. Many people expressed interest, and it was possible that the literature club would have new members very soon.

The Umi's disappointment, Akara didn't join. But she'd have to accept that. She'd have to remember that Akara wasn't single. Akara wasn't hers. Akara would never be hers no matter how hard to worked.

But she would sure as hell try.



"Come on, I know you didn't want to go last time, but I've got plans!" Umi smiled as they walked past Yoshikawa Nao's house, giving Natsuki the peace sign. The two were taking a walk down the street. She'd already told Yuri about the blackmail, and Yuri was going to be there for backup.

Natsuki thought for a second. It was better than going in alone. "O-Okay. Let's go."

Umi patted her head. "Yay!"

The two ran to the doorway. Umi balled her hand into a fist and knocked firmly. One. Two. Three.

"Umi~san!" Yoshikawa exclaimed.

"Please, just call me Umi," the blue haired girl said humbly.

Nao noticed the shorter girl hiding behind Umi. "R-Right! Okay, Umi! Come in!"

Natsuki and Umi entered the house and sat on the couch. "What a nice house you've got," Umi smiled.

It was very calming and modern. The couch was a simple white with red and purple pillows. Paintings hung on the wall.

The walls were a soft purple color, covered by windows. There was a large spiral staircase in the middle of the building.

"Oh, thank you! My girlfriend is out to grab dinner supplies, so she won't be joining us," Nao said, sitting down in an armchair.

"Right, your girlfriend," Umi mumbled. She put on a bright smile and said, "Anyway, we came here to talk about the picture. I want you to delete it."

"W-What?" Nao exclaimed. "Why?"

"I'm protecting my sister and my friend," Umi stated. "If they don't want it posted, then I don't want it posted either."

"But I already have the picture! You can't make me delete it!"

"Please, Nao," Umi's eyes sparkled, leaving Nao flustered.

Nao huffed. "I guess," she said. Nao realized how defeated she was. She smiled warmly. "I'll delete it."

She didn't care if she had to delete the digital version. She printed many copies, so she had no use for the digital picture anymore, anyway.

Nao's phone beeped. She glanced at the screen. It was her girlfriend. She scoffed and ignored the text.

???: Help!!! I've got a flat tire :/

"So, Nao," Umi began to break the silence. "Your girlfriend is the chairman's daughter, right?"

"Yeah, that's right," Nao smiled widely. "I love her very much. I'm glad that she found someone who wasn't just going to use her for her money."

"Yeah," Umi agreed. "That would suck so much if someone tried to use her. People are people, not objects."

Natsuki nodded. She knew all too well what it was like to be an object, owned by someone who never wanted you in the first place.

Nao's phone rang suddenly. Checking the caller ID, she confirmed that it was, once again, her girlfriend.

"Ah, who is it? Do you need to pick up?"

"No, no," Nao said dismissively. "It's nothing important." Nao scowled as she looked at her girlfriend's contact. Licking her lips, she blocked the contact.

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