★chapter 25 - be positive

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Yuri sighed putting her phone down. I suppose I'll just have to knock on her door.

She got into her car and drove to Natsuki's neighborhood. Akara's house was a few houses down from Natsuki's. She got out and walked up to the door, knocking firmly.

Akara opened it moments later. "Oh, hey, Yuri!"

"Why didn't you answer my call?" the tall girl asked curiously.

"That was you?" Akara gasped. "Oh! Sorry! What did you need?" She figured if it was important enough for Yuri to drive to her house and ask her in person, it must be pretty important.

"I'm going to visit Umi," Yuri said. "Do you want to come with me to the hospital?" she asked politely.

"Yes!" Akara practically screamed. "I mean, yes."

Yuri chuckled and gestured to the car. Akara grabbed her house keys and a jacket before running out the door.

"Thanks for inviting me to come with you."

"Of course, no problem," Yuri answered. "I'm going to pick up Natsuki really quick."

Akara nodded.

Yuri and Akara walked up to the front door and knocked.

"Who the fuck is that? Did you invite someone over?" a man's voice yelled.

"N-No, papa!" Natsuki's voice whimpered.

"I'm sure it's one of her stupid little friends. She's probably ratted you out by now," another voice said.

"That was Nao's voice," Akara whispered to Yuri.

Yuri's eyes widened.

"Go answer the door," Nao snarled.

"B-But..." Natsuki whimpered.

"I don't give a fuck. I hope your little friends see you like this," Nao barked.

Yuri and Akara heard the door start to unlock. Without thinking, they dived behind a bush. If Nao saw them, she would think Natsuki called them.

Natsuki, her eyes red from crying and her cheeks red from embarrassment stood in the open doorway. She was battered at beat up. Her lip was busted and there was a huge bruise on her left eye. "There's nobody out here," she said.

"You'd better not be lying little bitch," the man's voice snapped.

A man poked his head out and saw that his daughter had not been lying.

"What the fuck?" Yuri whispered to Akara.

"Nao's a violent person. She let me believe it was a normal thing for her to hit me. She never went that far, though." One tear slid down Akara's cheek before she shook her head, as if to banish any horrible thoughts. 

Yuri sighed. "We have to get her out of there. After Nao and the blackmail, Natsuki and I haven't been able to talk, so I couldn't really save her from this hell house she calls home."

"You really love her, don't you?" Akara asked.

"I—" Yuri paused for a moment. "I-I do."

"Then why don't you ask her out?"

"I can't. I don't think I'm ready," Yuri admitted. "Not yet."

"I understand. At least it's not a 'no'. I just have a question," Akara said, suddenly growing nervous.

"What is it?" Yuri asked.

"Will you come for tea with me tomorrow? I have something important to ask of you," Akara proposed.

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