★chapter 13 - immune

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Name: Yoshikawa Nao
Year: 2
Age: 17
Club: Debate (vice president)


"Yoshikawa Nao," the teacher called.

"Here," I said, already bored.

I drowned out the rest of whatever the teacher was saying. I stared at the little pink girl sitting near me. This is the only class I have her alone. You know, without that Sayori chick.

I raised my hand.

"Miss Yoshikawa?" the teacher asked.

"Natsuki is reading manga during class," I said politely. I smirked as the girl's face turned as pink as her hair.

The teacher walked up to her and snatched the manga from her hands. "You can have this back after school is over."

Natsuki nodded, keeping her head low. After the teacher turned her back, she turned around a glared at me. I only stuck my tongue out. She turned around, huffing. Her arms were crossed as she stared at the teacher.

"Okay, class. English is a rough subject, and you guys are falling behind year 2," the teacher explained. "That is precisely why we need to work harder."

I pulled out my phone and began to play a few games. It wasn't that hard, but the game was time consuming, and that's exactly what I needed.

A voice broke my attention to the game. "Yoshikawa Nao is playing on her phone." It was Natsuki's voice.

"Yoshikawa!" the teacher barked. "Bring it up here."

A smug look played on Natsuki's stupid face. I slowly walked up to the teacher's desk and placed my phone on the top. She nodded, dismissing me. I walked down the row, momentarily stopping at Natsuki's desk. "You're going to regret that," I whispered. "I have next hour with you too."

The look of fear was the only confirmation I needed. I smirked and stalked back to my desk. The rest of the class was a blur. I smirked through the whole thing.



Next class was pretty simple, too. Natsuki kept looking around timidly. The class ended like any other class and people began to leave the classroom. Natsuki grabbed her stuff and picked up her manga as quickly as she could and ran towards the door with her friend.

I only smirked even wider. I walked up to the teacher's desk, taking my time. I took my phone and left the room as well. I saw a flash of pink disappearing into the bathroom. Sayori was walking off to her lame club. Natsuki alone. This was perfect.

I walked into the bathroom. Nobody was there except for Natsuki. A girl walked in, fiddling with her phone. "You," I hissed. "Get out."

She squeaked and ran from the room. I smirked as I saw the tiny pink haired girl cowering in the corner.

I grabbed her neck. "You think you can challenge me?" I whispered into her ear. "Think again."

I punched her in the gut, but she didn't scream like I'd expected. She only bit her lip and took the pain. The more I watched her, the more I wanted to get a reaction from her. I kicked her leg, and she fell to the ground. She only screwed her eyes shut, but no sound escaped her lips. The longer she held on, the angrier I became.

How dare this girl challenge me? How dare she be able to withstand my fury?

I gave up.

I never give up.

But I gave up. I stopped hitting her and stared. I stared into her pink eyes filled with fear. "If you tell anybody, I will make your life completely miserable."

She was weak. She could take a beating, but she was weak. I could tell. I only like people with power, and such a helpless little being was meant to be a slave to people like me. People with power. They weren't meant to be friends.

I pulled out my phone and opened my gallery. I shoved the phone in Natsuki's face. She gasped. "H-How did you get that?"

"Like you want to know," I spat

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"Like you want to know," I spat.

She bit her lip tightly. "Delete it."

"No," I sneered. "Let me tell you what's up. You're going to stay away from Yuri~senpai. You're going to stop talking to her. You're not even going to make eye contact with her. You're going to completely ignore her. If you don't do as I say, then I'm posting this picture to the school website. Is that what you want?"

She stared straight into my eyes. "Why should I care if you post the picture?"

"You would ruin your reputation. I can already see it. Your picture on the front of the page! The caption would say, 'Gold-digger first year seduces Student Council Vice President!'" I giggled.

"B-But why do you care if I spend time with Yuri? Y-You already have a girlfriend," Natsuki whimpered.

She was right. I do have a girlfriend, and I love her.

"People like you shouldn't be friends with cool, powerful people like Yuri or Monika," I said, letting go of her neck. "So, stay away, or this picture gets out. Do you understand me?"

She nodded sadly. I smirked and left the room. I arrived at my club room only seconds later. "Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late. I had to deal with a bit of a pest on the way here!"

The rest of the large club smiled, not understanding what I truly meant.

"The festival is tomorrow!" my girlfriend exclaimed, getting up from one of the couches. "Are you excited?"

I wrapped my arms around her. "Of course I am!" I kissed her forehead.

"Okay, club!" the club president said happily, taking her place at the middle podium. I stood beside her as the vice president. "We've finished most of what we needed for the festival! All we have to do is decorate today! We can probably leave early when we're finished today."

Everyone nodded and conversations began to spread around the room. Everybody worked in sync. I walked around the room, supervising. I heard many "Pass the banner!" "Hey, man. Toss the tape over here!" "Check out my fairy lights!"


Almost twenty minutes later, the room was fully decorated. A large banned hung with big words stating our club. Fairy lights hung around the podiums, door, and windows.

I had it all. I had a pretty and powerful girlfriend, I had a good reputation, I had power over the pink haired girl, and I had a whole club. Nothing could go wrong.


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