★chapter 4 - umi kiroko

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Yuri turned around and was met by a girl with long blue hair quite like her own. "Umi?"

"Yeah! It's me! It's great to see you," the girl, Umi, said.

Umi Kiroko was Yuri's sister. Well, half sister. They were very close until Umi decided to leave during her first year of High school. She wanted to be a foreign exchange student to America. She'd only been gone a year, and Yuri had been quite lonely without her, to say the least. The two were extremely close.

The two hugged. "It feels like it's been forever!" Umi said.

"Y-Yeah. I agree! You're a second year now," Yuri said, smiling.

The blue haired girl nodded. "Where are you off to?" Umi asked, messing with her long hair.

"The bus," Yuri said. The bus! She was going to miss it!

"I have to go!" Yuri said, darting down the hallway, leaving Umi confused.

Yuri ran out of the school looking around. She saw the bus leaving the campus. "Wait!"

Natsuki looked out the window and saw running toward the bus. This was her chance to repay Yuri! "Sir!" she tried to get the driver's attention. "Stop!"

The bus driver ignored her. Upon closer inspection, he had earbuds in, and his fingers were tapping to the rhythm of the music. The bus was getting further away from campus, and Natsuki watched as Yuri stopped running, defeated.

She saw a girl who looked strikingly like Yuri. The mystery girl placed her hand on Yuri's shoulder. Natsuki crossed her arms and huffed, turning away from the window.


The Lit Club

Did you make it home safely?

I'm not home yet... I'm still on the bus

Okay :) text me when you get home

Fine. You're not my mom tho

Hehe ik



What do you know about Yuri?

A lot of things lol

Yeah, but can you tell me some stuff?

Um, I guess?

Well, she's like a year older than me

She likes creepy stuff like knives and horror novels

She texts with periods and commas and stuff like Monika

She has a sister who doesn't go to school with us anymore, and I think she's about four months younger than Yuri herself? I'm not sure...don't hold me to it

A sister?

Yeah, pay attention

Baka! How is it even possible to have kids 4 months apart????

Lol idk

I guess Yuri can be shy most of the time...except y'know...when she protected us from the bullies


Don't tell her I said this, but I really admire that she protected us

Why don't you tell her yourself?

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