★chapter 8 - cupcakes and heartbreaks

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"She'll be fine, Miss. She just needs rest. Luckily, you called soon enough, so she didn't lose too much blood. She's quite lucky to have a sister like you."

Yuri's heart pained as she heard the nurse's words. "She's quite lucky to have a sister like you."

It was her fault in the first place.

"Can we come in?" A voice asked behind the door.

The doctor smiled warmly and walked over to the door, opening it. "Well, isn't she lucky to have such caring friends," the doctor gushed and left the room.

Monika, Sayori, and a ruffled Natsuki stood at the doorway. Monika held flowers while Sayori held a card. Natsuki only held a strong glare.

"We hope we aren't intruding on anything. We just thought we should bring flowers for her," Monika explained. "Since Umi isn't going to be able to work, Yuri and Natsuki will have to work together. You two be good and try not to kill each other, okay?"

Yuri clenched her fists and nodded. Natsuki only stared at the floor.

"She'll need stitches," Yuri whispered. Monika wrapped her in a hug. Normally, Yuri would tense up, but instead, she leaned into the hug, turning limp.

Natsuki felt her phone vibrate.



Why the fuck aren't you home yet? Where are you? Are you out with a boy???

No, sir. I'm with Monika, Yuri, and Sayori. One of our members got hurt...

You better get home before I do the same thing to you.

That club is no good. You're not supposed to be smart. You're just supposed to serve me however I want.

Am I right, my dear?

Yes, sir.


"G-Guys, I have to go home," Natsuki said quietly. Monika sighed.

"Seriously, Natsuki? At a time like this, you want to go home?"

Sayori stood up for her. "She should go home. She has a lot of chores to do before bed."

Monika sighed and nodded.

"I'll be there at seven," Natsuki said, staring at Yuri.

Yuri nodded and watched Natsuki leave the room.



"Look who finally decided to come home," A cold voice echoed through Natsuki's cold house. Natsuki looked around, but she couldn't find her father. The smell of alcohol singed her nose hairs. "You haven't done your chores."

"Papa, I swear, I'll do them. One of the girls stabbed herself with a knife," Natsuki stopped herself from saying too much.

"A knife, you say?"

Natsuki nodded, screwing her eyes shut.

"Speak!" Natsuki's father yelled.

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