★chapter 2 - highschool bully

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This is the second time you've been saved by this girl. Pull yourself together, Nat.

Natsuki inwardly cursed at herself for being such a klutz. She took Yuri's hand and pulled herself up. She heard Yuri's soft voice. "Are you okay?"

"No!" Natsuki crossed her arms. "W-Watch where you're going!"

Yuri raised her eyebrow. "B-But you fell by yourself?"

"Sh-Shut up! Baka!" Natsuki said, looking away.

Yuri smiled, obviously amused by this tiny pink girl. "Do you like literature?"

Natsuki scoffed. "Manga is my passion."

"A-Are you sure that's li-"

"Yeah, it's literature! I like poems and stuff like that, too, but Manga is life!" Natsuki said, crossing her arms even tighter.

Yuri chuckled. "Whatever you say, pink girl. Have you considered joining my club?"

"My name is Natsuki, and no, I haven't."

"Well, Natsuki. I think you should join the club. Here's a flyer with the information, room number, and how to sign up." Yuri gave her an encouraging smile.

"I-I can't join," Natsuki said quietly. She quickly regained her sharpness. "It's not like I want to, anyway. I was just kind of forced to join my friend Sayori's club."

"Ah," Yuri smiled softly, a smirk playing on her lips. "Well, enjoy your club!"

"It's not like I care about your club or anything!" Natsuki quipped. "And I will!" Natsuki ran off again to find Sayori. Today was just too weird for her.

*Stupid. You're turning into your father, aren't you?*

No, I'm not. Leave me alone.

...Am I?

Yuri stood there, baffled. The girl could come off as rude at any time, but Yuri was smarter than to assume things about people. She didn't seem to be a rude person generally, but her rudeness seemed to be more of a defense than a personality. Yuri shrugged it off and greeted a student walking up to her.



"There you are!" Sayori said, catching up to a breathless Natsuki. She smirked as she saw her friend's flustered face. She'd seen her talk to Yuri, and she'd seen the girl's face. How could she not? It was cute.

Sayori had originally planned to introduce Yuri to Natsuki, but it seemed her childhood friend beat her to it.

Maybe Natsuki could be happy and have a safe haven away from home- unlike me. Sayori thought.

'"You okay?" Natsuki asked, noticing her friend's distant eyes.

Sayori smiled and nodded, breaking from her trance. She erased and deleted the thoughts from her mind.

Cut it out, Sayori thought. You're attracting worry from your friends.

"Okay, well, are you ready for class?"

"Ugh, no. I just wanna skip."

"Natsuki! It's your first day of school, and you already wanna skip!" Sayori scolded playfully. "You're finally learning from me! We can go hang out in our club room. We only have one class, which is together, until clubs start anyway."

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