★chapter 23 - i'm not sorry

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"Umi!" Akara gasped. She reached up to touch her lips.

Akara had a girlfriend.
So why did she want more of Umi?
Why did she want Umi to be her girlfriend?

"I'm not sorry," Umi whispered. "It least I now know that you don't like me in that way."


"I just wanted you to know that whatever you feel with Nao may be love, but she doesn't love you back," Umi said.

A tear slipped down Akara's face. Umi wiped it with the pad of her thumb. The purple haired girl stared into Umi's eyes. With that, she put her arms around Umi's neck and pulled her in for a second kiss.

Natsuki smirked, snapping a picture for payback.

I just hope this picture doesn't get out and cause as much drama as the one with Yuri and me.

"That's was beautiful," Natsuki said softly. "I-I mean, gross!"

Akara and Umi parted with a giggle.

"You're more beautiful than the sunset," Umi smiled.

"You're more beautiful than a dove," Akara said.

"Since we have school tomorrow, we should get to bed early tonight," Natsuki reminded the two.

"Yeah, what do you guys want for dinner?" Umi asked.

Natsuki and Akara shrugged.

"You know, I thought I was straight, but so is spaghetti until it gets wet," Umi joked, quoting Yuri.

"Now I want spaghetti," Akara giggled.

"I agree completely," Natsuki grinned.

"I'll make the pasta and sauce," Akara said happily.

"I'll make the garlic bread," Natsuki added.

"I'll make some salad, too," Umi nodded.

They all disappeared into the kitchen. Umi couldn't help but sneak glances at the girl she had just kissed. The girl who kissed her even after pushing her away. The girl who made her heart beat fast every time she smiled. The girl that tied her stomach in knots each time she spoke. The girl that caused a blush to dominate her face just by being there.

"Natsuki, pass the cheese that you just put on the bread," Umi said.

Natsuki grinned and tossed the container of parmesan cheese over to her friend. Umi caught it and sprinkled some on the salad.

"Hey, since you're at the sink, can you fill this pot up? I'm going to prepare the sauce," Akara asked Umi.

"Yeah, sure," Umi responded happily, filling up the pot and putting it on the stove.

Akara quickly diced some tomatoes, grabbed some spices, and a saucepan. Just as she finished preparing the sauce ingredients, the water began to boil, so she poured some spaghetti in.

Umi finished adding the lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and other ingredients to her salad.

Natsuki was taking the bread out of the oven.

"Akara, pass the salad dressing and the bag of croutons," Umi called.

Akara tossed the bag and bottle before pouring the sauce over the pasta.


"Me too."


"This looks really good," Akara exclaimed.

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