★chapter 10 - soulmates?

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Yuri closed her eyes tightly, hoping the knocking would go away. It was probably just a door-to-door salesman. The knocking only grew louder and more urgent.

Yuri groaned and made her way out of the first floor bathroom. She limped over to the door and opened it carefully.

Natsuki crashed into the taller girl, hugging her tightly.

"N-Natsuki!" Yuri said in surprise.

"Yuri, I'm sorry," the pink haired girl sobbed. "I'm so sorry for everything! I shouldn't have talked to you that way when you'd been so kind to me. I-I'm so s-sorry." Natsuki's body shook violently with tears. She buried her face in Yuri's shoulder and cried.

"Natsuki," Yuri said, breaking from her confused daze. "I'm not going to say it's okay, because it's not."

Natsuki only buried her head deeper and cried harder.

Yuri felt odd forgiving someone who had wronged her so many times so quickly. However, all she ever wanted was peace, and maybe even a friendship, with Natsuki. She inhaled and exhaled, giving herself strength and courage.

"But I forgive you."

Natsuki looked up with her red swollen eyes. Yuri smiled down at her warmly. "Yuri," Natsuki cried.

"Natsuki, what happened to you?" Yuri asked, noticing the blood soaking Natsuki's shirt. Her fingers tenderly ran over Natsuki's small back. Glass.

"It hurts," Natsuki sobbed, clutching Yuri's sweater.

"What happened?" Yuri repeated softly. Natsuki shook her head and continued to cry. "I'm going to grab my first aid kit," Yuri said, getting up.

Natsuki made her way to the couch and sat down. She felt weak and embarrassed. She hid her tear-stained face in a pillow as sobs racked her body.

Yuri came back with a small box. She sat down beside Natsuki and warned, "I need to lift up your shirt."

Natsuki nodded, hiccupping quietly.

Yuri lifted the girl's shirt and gasped at what she saw. Large gnashes were scattered over her back. Glass was buried in the mess of red.

"This is going to hurt a little," Yuri warned. She took some tweezers and began to pick the glass out. Natsuki's whines and yelps of pain broke her heart bit by bit.

After she was finished, she carefully dabbed the wounds with a wet towel, making sure infection wouldn't set in. She then patched her up.

Natsuki looked at her gratefully. Yuri smiled, and to her surprise, Natsuki smiled back.

"What happened?" Yuri asked again.

Natsuki shook her head, biting her lip.

"Are you not ready to tell me?"

Natsuki nodded, burying her face into Yuri's chest.

"You don't have to until you're ready," Yuri said softly, stroking the smaller girl's hair.

Natsuki sighed happily, taking in the warmth of her clubmate.

"Do you want to finish the icing?" Yuri asked.

Natsuki nodded and got up, wincing at the pain. She took a deep breath and ignored the stinging.



Natsuki had finally finished piping the homemade icing to the homemade cakes. She was extremely proud of her creation with Yuri.

A/N: oooh are you ;D

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