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the moment jackson woke up, he just saw bambam's face coming towards him and then felt bambam's lips on his. it was probably the best thing he'd ever woken up to.

bambam's mouth was minty and jackson knew he had just brushed his teeth. jackson chuckled as bambam pulled away. he put his hands on bambam's tiny waist because he was sitting on jackson's hips.

"good morning."

"morning." bambam loved jackson's voice, especially in the morning. his voice was so deep and beautiful. bambam could listen to it forever. "why are you up so early, cutie?"

"hm i didn't go to sleep." bambam hummed. jackson really looked at him and could tell he had bags under his eyes and did look very tired.

"baby, why didn't you go to sleep?" bambam shrugged. "do you feel okay?"

"i just couldn't fall asleep. so i didn't."

"take a nap later, okay?" jackson had to get up to shower before he went to work. but he could spare a little time. so he sat up, put his hands on bambam's back, and kissed him again.

bambam wrapped his arms around jackson's shoulders. jackson decided this was the only way he ever wanted to wake up. but at the same time he loved waking up to seeing bambam's beautiful and peaceful sleeping face next to him. and he wanted to know that bambam was getting sleep and if he was awake at 5 in the morning he knew he wasn't.

"come take a shower with me," jackson mumbled against bambam's lips. bambam nodded so jackson got up and carried him to the bathroom. he set him on the bathroom sink counter so he could turn on the shower but quickly went back to his beautiful boyfriend to wait for the shower to get warm.

the shower had to be quick because jackson had to be at work early so jackson just helped bambam out before they left the shower. jackson dried bambam off before going to their room with a towel around his waist.

bambam, in just a pair of underwear, climbed under the blankets and watched jackson get dressed. jackson smiled at bambam, happy to see bambam looking tired and hoped he would fall asleep once he left for work.

"you sleepy, baby?" jackson asked as he put one of his work shirts on. bambam nodded and snuggled further into the bed, pulling the blankets up to his nose.

jackson sat next to him on the bed and pushed bambam's wet hair back. "go to sleep. i'll bring food home after work. make some food after you wake up, okay?"

bambam nodded as tried to keep his eyes open but they kept fluttering closed. jackson smiled at how cute he was.

"i love you, baby."

"i love you, jackie. have a good day at work." jackson leaned down and kissed bambam's nose. bambam giggled and that made jackson's day.

jackson, first brushing his teeth, left the house to make sure he got to work on time. he got there a little early and half way to work, bambam had called him.

he walked in as he was still on the phone with bambam. his coworker heard him talking to bambam which was weird because he'd never heard jackson talk like that with anyone.

"i'm at work, baby. my shift starts soon. and you should be going to sleep. i can hear how tired you are."

"i miss you and wanted to talk go you before you had to work."

"i miss you too, bammie. now go to sleep, silly. i love you."

"i love you." jackson smiled as he hung up the phone. his coworker raised his eyebrows a few times as jackson put his stuff away.


"boyfriend," jackson said proudly. "bambam."

"can i see a picture?" jackson nodded and showed him his lockscreen which was a picture of him and bambam. "how long you two been together?"

"4 years. he's cute, right?"

"yeah, is he thai?"

jackson nodded. "he moved here 4 years ago to go to the international school. he just graduated."

"wow, bet he misses thailand," he commented, having no clue that those five words would be on jackson's mind for the rest of the day.

jackson smiled when he walked into apartment and bambam bounded into his arms but is was a distracted smile.

"hey, what's wrong?" bambam asked. he'd already been worried because jackson got home late but it was because he'd gone to the gym.

"can we talk after i take a shower, baby?"

"uh yeah sure. uh i love you."

"love you." jackson kissed his cheek before going to the bathroom.

bambam sat on the couch and started hoping and praying that jackson wasn't breaking up with him.

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