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jackson was really missing his mom and bambam felt bad. he wished jackson could go see his family but because of work and wanting to stay with bambam, he couldn't.

so bambam wanted to help him. he wanted jackson to not be as home sick anymore. it made him sad.

after school one day, he found some of jackson's favorite snacks from hong kong and he planed for jackson and his mom to skype. bambam just wanted jackson to be happy and he hated when jackson wasn't. he planned to order food from a chinese place that jackson really liked and would get his favorite things.

so on friday, jackson picked bambam up. bambam very softly set his bag down to not break any of the snacks he had.

"do you want to take a bath?" bambam asked. jackson really liked baths, bambam knew that so he wanted to do anything to make the night great for him.

bambam ran a bath and added bubbles. jackson got in and bambam sat between his legs. jackson set his head on bambam's shoulder and ran his hand up and down bambam's thigh in a soothing manner.

bambam grabbed jackson's other hand and held it close to his face. "i love you."

"i love you, baby." he kissed bambam's jawline softly. "we've been in here a while. we should eat."

"okay. i'll order food." bambam got up first, jackson smacked his butt as she stood, making bambam giggle as he wrapped a towel around himself.

he left the bathroom to quickly call the chinese place before jackson heard what he was ordering.

jackson walked into the bedroom as bambam hung up. he wrapped his arms around the skinny boy but bambam turned around to look at him.

"stay in here until i come get you," bambam told him, kissing him quickly before leaving the leaving room and shutting the door.

jackson, confused, sat down on the bed with his towel wrapped around his waist. it was 20 minutes before bambam came into the room and grabbed his hand. jackson had put a pair of pajama pants at some point in sitting in his room alone.

the couch had blankets pilled on it. the table had jackson's favorite chinese food from his favorite restaurant and his favorite chinese snacks.

bambam pulled him onto the couch onto the fluffy couch with all the blankets and jackson saw what was on his laptop screen.

"you did all this?" jackson asked, tears in his eyes. "i love you so much, bammie."

bambam held jackson when he hugged him. "talk to your, mama. i'll go in the other room."

bambam took the food he ordered for himself into the bedroom so jackson could talk to his mom.

45 minutes later, jackson came to get bambam. they went to the living room. bambam had also rented jackson's favorite movie so they watched that and ate the snacks.

"you're so amazing, bambam." jackson had his head on bambam's chest and his arms around his wasit.

"you've just been really homesick lately."

"you're so great. i don't know what i did to deserve you. i do feel better, baby. thank you for doing all of this."

"of course. i hate when you're sad and just wanted you to be happy."

"you know i want you to be happy, too. more than anything in this world. you deserve that."

"how was talking with your mom?" bambam asked, brushing through jackson's hair with his hand.

jackson sighed but let it go. he didn't want to push bambam at the moment. "it was great. she wanted me to thank you for her."

"i was happy to do it for you guys. i know your mom probably missed you, too. and i know you do. do you ever want to move back to hong kong?"

"it's not that i want to live there. but i just mis my family. but this is my home now, too. you feel like home to me. i could live anywhere and as long as i have you i'll be okay."

"i love you, so much. so much. i love you."

"i love you too. more than most other things on this planet." jackson kissed bambam's clothed chest and then laid his cheek against it to watch the movie.

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