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"can i have a kiss, my prince?" bambam hummed and pushed himself up to kiss jackson quickly. "how about we go on a walk, baby."

jackson wanted to get bambam out of the apartment. he didn't want them to be cooped inside all day. jackson didn't know how to help bambam but that was all he wanted to do.

jackson bundled bambam up in two hoodies, gloves, and a hat before they left the apartment.

jackson held bambam's hand as well as he could with the gloves on his fingers.

"how come i have to wear all this but you don't?"

jackson's logic was that because bambam was so skinny, he would get sick but bambam's muscle would keep him warm and healthy.

well jackson thought it helped, but when they woke up, bambam was sick. he was sniffling and coughing. his head hurt and he was freezing.

he wrapped himself in jackson's comforter. jackson was still at the gym so he just fell back asleep.

bambam groaned when he felt a hand on his forehead. he turned his head to get the hand away.

"are you okay, bammie?" bambam shook his head, then he had to hold his head because shaking it made him dizzy. "okay. you go back to sleep and i'll go get you stuff."

"don't get the bad tasting medicine," bambam said with his face still in the pillow. jackson smiled a bit but was immediately worried again.

he put his shoes back on and left again. he hadn't even showered yet. he went to the store to get medicine and groceries so he could make healthy food for bambam. and he rented a few of bambam's favorite movies since he definitely wasn't letting him out of the house since he was getting dizzy. he also got some white tea in case bambam didn't want the green tea he already had. the website he found said those were two very good types if tea for someone who's sick. he'd also found a website that said the 15 best food when sick, so he bought everything on the list.

when jackson got back to his apartment, he quickly made tea and got the medicine out of the box.

he went to his room and felt bambam's forehead. it was very warm so jackson quickly got the thermometer from the bathroom. he'd never been more grateful that his mom made him keep a thermometer in his apartment.

bambam's temperature was 100.7°f. so jackson took the heavy blanket off him and replaced it with just the sheet.

"bammie, baby, wake up, baby. you need to take some medicine." jackson sat bambam up and once he woke up he put the little cup of medicine up to his lips. before bambam could ask he flavor, jackson made him drink it.

"ew it's gross." bambam shoved his face into jackson's chest and tried to get the taste off his tongue. jackson gave him the bottle of water he'd brought with him.

"angel baby, i got you some movies. i'm going to make some breakfast and grab the movies, okay?" all jackson got was a groan in response. so he quickly made bambam some oatmeal, something the website said was good for sick people.

he grabbed the bag of movies and went back to bambam. he grabbed his laptop and sat next to bambam, putting the laptop in front of them. he put bambam's favorite movie in and saw that bambam wasn't eating.

"baby, you need to eat. you haven't eaten since yesterday. it's been over 12 hours."

"it smells like my teacher." but bambam picked up the bowl and started to eat it.

jackson smiled when he saw bambam engrossed in the movie, letting out little giggles at funny parts.

jackson was tired when it got late but bambam couldn't sleep. he tried but his head hurt and he couldn't stop moving around trying to get comfortable.

jackson got up and went to the bathroom, hoping he had nyquil that he could give bambam. he was extremely happy that there was. he didn't necessarily want to go out to buy some but he would of for bambam.

he gave it to bambam and he was out in minutes. jackson laid back down. he didn't cuddle bambam like he usually would because he was still sweating and didn't want to be touching jackson. but he still wanted to be next to him.

jackson brushed bambam's off his forehead since it was sticking to him from the sweat. he felt bad for bambam. he realized bambam wouldn't be able to go to school the next day so he texted bambam's host mom so she could call in for him in the morning. he grabbed bambam's phone and turned off his alarms so he didn't wake up.

luckily jackson didn't have work the next day and if he did he'd probably take it off to take care of bambam.

even though he was warm, in the middle of the night bambam ended up clinging onto jackson.

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