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bambam loved hanging out with all of his friends. his friends also loved it but half the time they were just watching how in love jackson was with bambam.

mark took a video of the two as jackson played with a piece of bambam's hair and looked at him like he was the only thing on earth that mattered. the love in his eyes couldn't be hidden when he stared at bambam.

youngjae had a video of them as they wrestled on the floor of his and jaebum's apartment. jackson was obviously much stronger than bambam but they were just messing around and climbing on top of each other.

"guys! let's go see a movie!!" bambam shouted, bouncing in his seat.

"are you sure? it's getting late and you and yug have school tomorrow," jinyoung said, worried about the youngest boys and how they would do in school if they stayed up too late.

but then bambam and yugyeom pouted, so they compromised and watched a movie.

bambam fell asleep on jackson's arm which surpirsed nobody.

"bammie, come on. i need to take you home." bambam only woke up enough to whine and grab onto jackson's arm.

so jackson stood up and picked bambam up. "bye. we're leaving."

"drive safe," jinyoung said, accidentally waking the half asleep boy who had his head in his lap. "sorry, baby."

yugyeom just whined and pressed his face against jinyoung's lower tummy.

jackson successfully got out of the house bambam into the passenger seat of the truck without waking him up. he gritted his teeth as he started the truck as if that would make it any quieter.

he didn't want to but he took bambam home before going to his own apartment. he had to use bambam's key to get into his house and take him up to his room because he didn't want to wake up his host parents.

he laid bambam on his bed and used a makeup wipe to get his makeup off, knowing bambam would be unhappy if he woke up in the morning with makeup still on. he kissed bambam's forehead before leaving.

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