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bambam finally graduated. he was more excited to be able to finally move in with jackson.

the day after he graduated him and jackson started moving his stuff into jackson's apartment. it wasn't like he had much so it didn't take long to do.

bambam and jackson were sitting on their bed, having a small back and forth.

"i live here now and i'm not in school. i need a job." bambam was looking through a website where businesses posted that they were hiring.

jackson was telling him he didn't need a job. jackson made enough money for bambam to live there and not have a job.

so bambam hell-bent on getting a job and jackson hell-bent on him not getting a job was not going very well.

"you do not need a job. you know i get paid enough for you to live here without a job."

"what am i gonna do? sit here all day everyday?" bambam asked. "i want to help pay bills. i'm an adult."

"you graduated from school yesterday, bam."

"what if something happens and you lose you're job? i can have a job and there would be less to worry about."

"fine. more money i can keep to spend on you."

"ah jackson wang!" bambam shouted and jumped on top of jackson, grabbing his shoulders and shaking them. jackson just chuckled. bambam stopped and sat in jackson's lap, wrapping his legs around jackson's waist. "i love you."

"i love you, bammie. i get why you want a job. what if we get a cat and you can hang out here?"

"but that would be more costs so i would need to work."

"i can't win with you, can i? you're so lucky i love you." jackson wrapped his arms around bambam, resting his hands on the small of his back.

"you look really handsome right now," bambam said suddenly after just looking at jackson for a few seconds. "i mean you're handsome all the time but. i like when you're hair doesn't have anything in it like after you shower and it's all messy. and when you first bleached it and did it that really cool way. i like you all the time."

"if you get any sweeter i'm going to get tooth decay, baby."

"i like when you wear your glasses. and i like when we go out and someone is looking at us weird and you do that face that's not that much different but you look mean to people who don't know you. i love that you're my squirtle so everytime i see a squirtle anything i think of you and i love seeing things that remind me of you. and i love how much you care about me and that you take care of me. i love you so much. i love you and everything about you. i don't know what i did in my past life to deserve you."

jackson held bambam and didn't let him go. he never wanted to let him go. he wanted to hold bambam forever and never have to let him go. sadly he did because bambam began to fall asleep with his head on jackson's shoulder which jackson knew couldn't be comfortable for the back of his neck.

so jackson upwrapped bambam's legs from around his waist and laid him down before he got up to turn the light off.

jackson laid down next to him, smiling when bambam clung onto him right away.

"i love you," bambam said. there was no hiding that he was almost asleep. he barley opened his mouth to talk.

"i love you," jackson whispered.

bambam felt warm and safe. jackson's arm over his stomach and his hand on his side made him feel like no one would ever hurt him because he had a knight to protect him. bambam smiled as he fell asleep with his face pressed into the crook of jackson's neck.

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