A Drunk In The Night (Fubuki Sumie x Suou Goshuin)

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(Don't worry, I'm making them a bit older so they can drink!)

Fubuki noticed that Suou, his long time friend, has been a bit down lately. He's not really sure why though since the white-haired male has been keeping to himself a lot more recently.

Suou sat crisscrossed on the floor by a bey stadium, Hell Salamander resting comfortably in his hands as the almost twenty-one year old meditated. His birthday is tomorrow, and thinking about it was just making him sad. Mystery, his mother figure, is great and treats him like her own, but he really misses his real parents. Salamander shone suddenly, a small gasp coming from the male holding him, looking down at his beloved bey in confusion.

Perhaps his bey was right, dwelling in the past for too long was starting to take a toll on him. Suou let out a sigh and smiled slightly, pocketing his bey and running his fingers through his white bangs before he stood, stretching his back out after being in a slumped position for a while.
            "I figured I would find you here." Fubuki said suddenly behind him, causing Suou to jump in surprise.
            "Ah... I do come here often do I?" Suou asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck slightly. "What brings you by?"
            "Well, I'm aware your birthday is tomorrow. Twenty-one tomorrow right?"
            "Yeah, kind of crazy though." Suou smiled, his hands holding his arms like they normally do.
            "So, to celebrate, I want to take you out for drinks." Fubuki offered, a slight smile on his lips. Suou tilted his head slightly, confused by the word 'drinks'.
            "Like, alcoholic drinks?"
            "Well yeah. Since you'll be twenty-one tomorrow, you'll officially be legal to buy and drink alcohol."

Suou put a hand to his chin, thought of curiosity and a thought of worry in his mind.
             "I-I don't know Fubuki... Sounds a little... bad..."
             "It won't be, trust me. When I turned twenty-one, I went out and drank with friends." Fubuki said, his hands on his hips. "What do you say Suou?" The gold-eyed male sighed, feeling he wasn't going to win this little dispute.
              "Alright. Honestly, what's the worst that could happen?"


The next day was his birthday, the now twenty-one year old fixing the tie he was wearing. The day had been great so far, Mystery taking him out for brunch and the two taking a nice walk around the town. It was now close to ten at night, Fubuki on his way to take him out to a bar. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, especially since it'll be his first time. He slipped his black and magenta coat on, walking from his room and down the stairs to wait for Fubuki, his mother figure in the kitchen and doing the dishes.
             "When you're out tonight, I don't want you to let anyone take advantage of you. Drunks are always trying to hit people up." Mystery warned, looking up at him with stern but caring eyes.
              "Don't worry mom, I'll be fine. I am going to be with Fubuki."
              "I know but I just want to warn you. Blondie is a good man and I trust him deeply. Have him know that."

Suou smiled at the nickname she has for Fubuki, laughing softly.
              "I will mom, I will." He said, running his fingers through his hair slightly. A knock  sounded on the door and Suou smiled a but more, waving to Mystery. "Bye mom, love you!"
              "Love you too sweetie! Be responsible!"
              "I will!" Suou said, making sure he had everything before walking out the front door.
              "Hey, happy birthday Suou." Fubuki said with a smile, giving him a little hug. "Ready to go?"
              "Thank you, and as ready as I can be." Suou smiled back, the two walking to the car.

The drive to the bar was nice, the two having a small conversation with the radio playing softly in the background. Fubuki pulled into the parking lot of a small bar, deciding it'll be a nice atmosphere for Suou's first time at a bar. Once inside, the two sat at the counter, Suou looking around rather nervously.
             "What can I get you boys?" The bartender asked, drying off a glass.
             "I'll take a beer, and he'll have a couple shots." Fubuki said, glancing at Suou who was still looking around the place. The bartender smiled and nodded, setting a couple shot glasses on the counter and handing him a beer, filling the glasses with whiskey.

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