His Nightmares... (Sisco Carlisle x Cooza Ackerman)

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Ever since he was a child, Cooza Ackerman had nightmares. Sometimes, they were so bad that he woke up with a scream and tears streaming down his face. And it's all thanks to Clio...

Clio Delon, the little vampire boy, was the cause of the nightmares because of what he did when they were little. Sure, he's forgiven him since then, but the nightmares still haunt him.

Cooza breathed in, his yellow eyes closed as he tried to get at least a little sleep. Last night, sleep didn't come all that easy, which meant he was up pretty much all night. He leaned on a table with his hand propping up his head, quiet breaths escaping his lips.
"Cooza..." Someone said, nudging him softly. The small black-haired male moved slightly, stretching out his arm but not waking up. "Cooza." They repeated, sounding slightly annoyed now.

Again, the small blader didn't wake, making the one trying to wake him sigh.
"Cooza!" They suddenly yelled, making yellow eyes snap open and his hands slam on the table. "Jeez, what's with you lately?" Cooza rubbed his eyes, yawning softly and facing the familiar voice.
"Nothing's been wrong Sisco... I'm just tired..." He said softly, looking at his teammate. Sisco crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"That's the thing, you've been tired. You're the one that normally gets more sleep than me." The green-haired male replied. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine." Cooza said, standing and stretching. "I'll see you later." He walked off after that, leaving Sisco to his own thoughts.

Sisco sighed, moving his hands to his waist as he walked away to train.
'Something's up with Cooza...' He muttered in his thoughts. His blue eyes shined behind his glasses as he pulled out Kreis Satan and his launcher, getting into his launch position after readying his bey. "3..." 'Maybe I can help...'
"2..." 'As annoying as he is, I care about him...'
"1..." 'I... Love him...'
"Let it RIP!"


A scream in frustration echoed slightly through the air, making people look in the direction it came from. Sisco ruffled his hair as he paced around his room. Well- shared room. The tall blader was having a breakdown at the moment, and luckily, his roommate wasn't here. Who's his roommate? Cooza.

He growled to himself, clenching his eyes shut and gritting his teeth slightly.
"I can't love him. We're both guys, it's unnatural. Guys shouldn't love other guys." He growled again, gripping his hair tightly. "He probably doesn't even like guys! What's the point?! This is so stupid!"

Someone knocked on the door, making the green-haired blader sigh and walk over, opening the door.
"What?" He hissed, facing whoever disturbed his meltdown. He blinked suddenly, seeing the smiling face of Valt.
"Hi Sisco! I just came by to tell you that we have a match tomorrow, so be ready!" The bluenette said excitedly. "I'll catch you later!" Sisco didn't even get a single word out before Valt ran off, most likely to train with Rantaro.

He heaved a sigh and closed the door, walking over and sitting on the edge of his bed. He buried his face into his hands, leaning back on his bed and looking up at the ceiling, the hammock that hung over his bed making him close his eyes.
'Soon...' He told himself. 'I'll tell him soon...'


2:30 in the morning, Cooza stirred slightly on his little hammock, another nightmare haunting his dreams. He whimpered softly, a tear running down his face as he turned. He cried out when he fell suddenly, crashing down on top of Sisco.
"What the hell?!" The taller male snapped, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. His vision focused and his anger disappeared when he seen the small black-haired male curl up and cry into his knees. "Cooza?"

Teary yellow eyes snapped up to meet blue, staring wide at him.
"S-Sisco?" Cooza hastily rubbed away his tears, looking away. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to fall on you..." The small blader moved to get up, but Sisco grabbed his wrist.
"What's wrong?" He asked, pulling Cooza back down.
"N-nothing... I fell..." The yellow-eyed male replied quietly, keeping his gaze down.
"I know that, but why were you crying?" Sisco pushed, crossing his arms. Cooza flushed, gripping the blanket tightly in his hands. "Cooza?"
"I had another nightmare, ok?! I've been having them for a while..."

Nightmares? This caught Sisco by surprise considering how Cooza acts. He never seen him as the type that would have nightmares.
"That must be why you've been tired. Why haven't you told me?"
"Because there's nothing you can do to help... I can normally handle them m-myself..." The small male yawned, rubbing his eyes again. "We should really get back to sleep... We have a match later..." He moved to get back up in his hammock again, but Sisco grabbed him again.
"Like hell I'm letting you play this off." The green-haired male growled. He moved his blankets slightly, pulling Cooza to him and throwing the blankets over the both of them. "You're sleeping with me for the rest of the night."
"S-Sisco-" Cooza tried to say, but Sisco stopped him.
"Don't try and talk your way out of this because it's not happening." He said, laying back. Cooza laid back too, turning away from his roommate and closing his eyes, trying to go back to sleep. He breathed in and moved slightly, his eyes opening again to meet the darkness of the room.

Sisco turned to face him, sensing his distress and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close to his chest. Cooza gasped softly, turning to look into soft blue eyes.
"S-Sisco...?" The small black-haired male asked softly, looking at him with shining yellow eyes. Sisco shook his head.
"Hush... Just go to sleep..." The taller male muttered, holding him tighter. He brushed his lips on the other's, smiling slightly and closing his eyes. Cooza blushed deeply, staring in shock at the other blader. He smiled softly, nuzzling up closer to Sisco and sighing in content. "Night Cooza... I love you..." The smaller male hummed, cuddling close as his eyes slipped closed.
"I love you too Sisco... Good night..." He mumbled, kissing the green-haired male's cheek before entering the void known as sleep, no nightmares to wake him up anymore...

This was a request made by PerformerRenaSun

NightBear15 signing off...

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