Love Between Two Teachers... (Arman Kusaba x Gwyn Reynolds)

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~~ Yes... ~~

    "So if you take what you have for 'b' and subtract it from your 'y', then take the difference and divide it by 'm', that's your 'x'." He wrote his explanation on the board while he talked, a small smile on his pale lips as he did. "And there you have it, that's how you can find the slope for your graph."

Twenty-two-year-old Gwyn Reynolds was in his first official year of teaching. No internships, no teacher's assistant, a full time teacher himself. He enjoyed being able to teach kids the joys of a good equation, always finding himself smiling as he explained his lessons.
    "Mr. Reynolds, what happens if 'x' turns out to be a negative?" One of his students asked, the snowy white-haired man sitting back at his desk.
    "That just means it's a declining slope rather than inclining."
    "Whatever we have for 'y', is that where we put it on the axis?" Another asked, his hand raised when he asked.
    "Exactly. And whatever your 'x' is determines its place on the x-axis. Makes sense, right class?" Gwyn explained, smiling softly at his students. The class agreed and the teacher smiled more, glancing at the time before grabbing some papers. "Alright, your homework tonight is the worksheet I'm handing out. All I want you to do is the front, the back will be for tomorrow."

He passed the worksheet out and the cell rang shortly after, his students packing up.
    "You're more than welcome to do both sides if you want, class. We'll discuss more tomorrow." The pink-eyed man waved as his kids walked out, going to their next class. Gwyn sighed and collapsed back into his desk chair, leaning back into it and closing his eyes. Finally, his free period, he thought as he rubbed his eyes, opening them and staring up at the ceiling. He was up late grading homework, the poor teacher still having not fixed his broken sleep schedule from his high school and college days…
    "Doing okay, 'Mr. Reynolds'?" An all-too-familiar voice asked him, dull pink eyes moving to look at the door.
    "Spare me today, I'm too tired for this…" The math teacher said softly, loosening the tie around his neck slightly to relieve pressure.

Standing in his doorway was the English teacher and old friend of the pale-skinned man, Arman Kusaba, the older man smiling at him.
    "Another long night, Gwyn?" He asked, traveling further into the room.
    "Unfortunately…" His voice was tired just like his mind and body, but he still had two other classes in the day before he could go home. Green eyes watched him curiously, a soft smile on his lips.
    "Have you considered taking a small nap before your next class?" The English teacher asked, tilting his head slightly.
    "I'd be out right now if I actually thought it was a good idea, Arman." His exhausted eyes looked at him in annoyance, the older teacher putting his hand up in defense.
    "Hey, it was just a question. You need to relax a little, you look tense as hell."

Gwyn shuffled his shoulders slightly and winced, rubbing a hand on his neck.
    "Yeah, just a little bit…" He mumbled, glancing back over to his friend. His eyebrows furrowed when he found him walking closer, looking up at him curiously when he stepped behind him. "What are you doing?"
    "Lean forward slightly." Arman told him, ignoring his question. He smiled at the petite male's curious look, his eyes softening and his heart fluttering. "Just trust me, please."
    "... Just this once, I guess…" Gwyn told him, still slightly suspicious of his friend's movements. He suddenly tensed even more when he felt larger hands grab his shoulders, making a noise as they started to massage his aching muscles. "W-what are you doing?"
    "Loosening you up." The brown-haired man said with a smile, rubbing and pressing his thumbs against the tight muscles. 

Never before had the math teacher experience such a calm feeling, his tense muscles giving in under Arman's gentle hands, a breathy sigh leaving his lips the longer it continued. His head slumped and his snowy white bangs covered his face, humming softly when he heard the latter chuckle.
    "What?" He asked him, not even bothering to look up.
    "I dont think I've ever seen you this calm and relaxed." Arman pointed out, working the knots out down along his spine.
    "Because I haven't felt this calm and relaxed… This is all new for me…"
    "Are you enjoying it?"
    "Words cannot describe how good the massage feels… Thank you so much…"

Green eyes stared lovingly down at the shorter male, his smile never leaving his lips.
    "Anything to help you out. I'm always here for you, Gwyn."


    "Mr. Kusaba, do you like Mr. Reynolds?" One of his students asked, the rest of the class piping up at the question.
    "Yeah, do you?" Another asked,  the class growing louder. Arman blinked at the sudden personal question, tilting his head slightly as his eyebrows furrowed together.
    "That's an out of the blue question, what's your reason for asking?" He asked his students, a curious smile on his lips.
    "Well, some of us noticed the way you look at him, but it's not like a normal look. It's the look someone gets when they love something or, in this case, someone." The first student explained, the rest of his students agreeing and throwing more reasons out on the air.

Truth be told, the English teacher had been thinking of his smaller friend a lot more than usual. He would always have a soft blush on his cheeks as he did, but was that love? It felt complicated…
    "As much as I'd love to indulge further into the discussion, I don't really like bringing up my personal life to my students." Arman declared to them, the kids all letting out collective sighs and groans. "Thank you for the concern, but Mr. Reynolds and I are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."
    "But are you so sure?" Another question, another sigh.
    "Let's jump to a different topic now, did you all finish the homework last night?"

Finally, he was free when the topic changed, but his thoughts still wondered. Was he actually falling in love with his friend and colleague? Sure, Gwyn was great! He's sweet, caring, terribly beautiful, why wouldn't the taller man like him? His eyes were gorgeous in his opinion, his smile was everything… Arman shook his head to dismiss the thought for now, getting back to his lesson as they went over the homework.

By the time the end of the day came, the English teacher was already making his way towards a certain petite male's classroom, his thoughts still lingering. He thought about it the whole rest of the day and found it difficult to stop, walking straight into Gwyn's classroom and shutting the door.
    "Oh, hey Arman…" The white-haired teacher greeted with a small smile, finishing with packing up. "What brings you by?"
    "What, I can't come by to say hello?" Arman asked, smiling as he heard the other laugh softly. Oh how it was like music to his ears…
    "You're always welcome in my classroom, I was just curious." Gwyn told him, sitting back down in his chair. "How were classes today for you?"
    "Long and busy, glad the day is over. How about you? Have you been sleeping better?" 

Gwyn's soft laughter filled the air yet again, causing a nice blush to cover Arman's cheeks.
    "Trying to at least, I'm getting a little better. I think the massage you gave me last week really helped."
    "Well, that's good because that was my intention." The English teacher was slightly nervous, walking over and standing over by the other's desk. Gwyn felt his cheeks darken slightly as his friend stood by him, his stomach fluttering as silence continued between them. He didn't really know what to say, staring into the green eyes that stared down into him with an emotion he couldn't read.
    "E-everything okay…?" He asked softly, a hand reaching up and rubbing his blush-stained cheek.
    "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Arman suddenly asked, the smaller teacher's cheeks darkening immediately.
    "U-uh, no, n-not really…" He stuttered softly, the compliment throwing him off. The brown-haired teacher suddenly leaned down to him, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes held nothing but gentle love. 
    "Well, you really are." He told him, green eyes glancing down at his lips. "Can… Can I kiss you?"

The question made Gwyn's brain short circuit for a minute, biting his lip softly as he sucked in a soft breath.
    "Y-yeah, please…" His heart sounded heavily in his ears, a larger hand reaching and holding his chin up as his lips connected with his. The kiss was soft and sweet, Gwyn melting further into the kiss as his arm traveled and wrapped around the other's neck gently. Arman poured as much love as he could into their first kiss, his hands holding on to his cheeks before he pulled away, going back in for another.

Their first kiss, sweet and caring for the two teachers. Something that seemed nonexistent blossoming into a beautiful relationship for the two. All they have to do is keep their secret from their students…

They'd never hear the end of it~

NightBear15 signing off...

~~ It's probably not the best, but it's a good experiment ;) ~~

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