Seven Minutes In Heaven With You... (Xander Shakadera x Quon Limon)

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When Quon left to travel the world, everyone from the Shakadera dojo was devastated.

Especially Xander.

Out of everyone there, he took the smaller male's departure the hardest. Mostly because he wanted to ask him something really important with the upcoming holiday.

Quon left just a couple days short of Valentine's Day, leaving Xander both in shock and hurt. The tall red-haired male didn't eat, sleep, or train for a while before he finally accepted the fact that the skater blader may not even come back.

The day he actually came back, the Spin Emperor did everything in his power to not hug him tightly and not to punch him. So he kept his arms crossed, and the normal fire that always seemed to burn in his eyes.

         "What's with Xander?" Quon asked Yugo and Ukyo a couple days after his return, seeing the tall male meditating by the stadium. The question caused Ukyo to shrug, not having any idea what was with their captain.
        "He's been a bit... Broken, after you left." Yugo said, crossing his arms and throwing a glance in the red-haired male's direction. "You coming back after being gone for so long, he's still adjusting."

The green-eyed skater thought about what the samurai said and stood, walking to the other side of the bey stadium.
"Hey, Xander. Let's battle." He said, pulling out his launcher. Red eyes snapped open, traveling up to meet green. An unnoticeable blush crossed his cheeks, he shaking it off by giving his signature laugh and standing up.
"Sure thing. I haven't had a battle with you since before you left." Xander said with a wide smile, pain striking his heart at the mention.

He took out Xcalius and his launcher, readying his bey and getting into his launch position. Quon did the same, the smaller male smiling at him. The Spin Emperor froze, his heart beating quicker and quicker than before.
"First battle!" A team member declared. "Ready? Set!" He said, starting the countdown.
"3... 2... 1... Let it RIP!"


"You've definitely gotten stronger Quon. Your bey held out a lot longer than I thought." Xander said, his hands taking their place on his waist. The green and black-haired male smiled, his green eyes staring into red.
"Thanks Xander. That really means a lot coming from you." Quon said, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. Xander smiled back, his face heating up slightly and his heartbeat increasing.

Yugo and Ukyo spared each other a glance, smiling when they both had the same thought. Xander has a crush on Quon.


"Who wants to play a game?!" Valt Aoi called when he and the rest of the bey club walked into the dojo. Xander looked over at where the others walked in, raising an eyebrow.
       "Hey Valt. What are you guys doing here?" He asked. The bluenette tilted his head in confusion.
       "What do you mean? You invited us here! Don't tell me you forgot!" He smiled. Xander blinked, looking over at Quon, who just shrugged. He shook his head, laughing once again.
       "Ok Valt. So what kind of a game did you have in mind?" The tall male asked, his smile displaying his sharp pointed teeth.
       "Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Valt declared, throwing his arms in the air.

Everyone stopped and looked at him, confused as to why he would want to play that game.
       "Why do you want to play that?!" Wakiya snapped, a bit of heat rising in his cheeks.
       "Because I want to see what will happen! Now, everyone get in a circle!" He demanded, sitting on the floor. Everyone else reluctantly sat in a circle, wishing they were anywhere else but there. "Alright! I'll start, and I say Honcho and Wakiya!"
        "Hang on a sec!"
        "What?!" They both said at the same time. They looked at each other and blushed, huffing and looking away.
        "Don't complain. Get in the room!" Valt said, pointing at a door. The two blondes groaned, standing and walking into a room. Valt ran over and locked it, starting the countdown of seven minutes.

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