Promises... (Fubuki Sumie x Suou Goshuin)

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"Let it... RIP!"

A snowy white-haired male watched as his blonde friend launched his bey into the stadium he stood in front of, a thoughtful yet happy look on his face as he watched the bey spin around the stadium.
          "The launch looked great Fubuki. The training is really paying off." The male said, his arms holding each other. Fubuki looked over at him with a slight smile, straightening up as a hand rested on his hip.
          "Thank you Suou. The training methods you came up with are working great." Fubuki, the deep red-eyed blonde, said calmly, reaching down to retrieve Forneus. He shifted the defense-type Bey in his hand as he stared down at the stadium thoughtfully. "What do you say? Want to battle?"

Suou gave him a kind smile, but shook his head, his white locks swaying with the movement.
          "If you don't mind, I'm afraid I have to decline. I remembered I said I'd be home a bit earlier to help with dinner."
          "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. Be safe, it's getting a bit late" Fubuki warned, looking at the currently setting sun.
          "Don't worry Fubuki, I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow." Suou waved at him as he took his leave, walking out the door that leads back into the school. Fubuki waved back slightly before looking back at Forneus, the bey gleaming at him in the light of the setting sun.
           "I know... I'm getting a bad feeling too..." The blonde-haired male mumbled, watching as Suou disappeared down the sidewalk.

The young blader walked through the empty streets of the town, the wind blowing gently through his snowy white hair.  The atmosphere was calm... Serene, even, making him let out a breath in content. His arms held to each other as he walked, a habit he's had for years, his pale fingertips clinging time the magenta sleeves of his black coat.

The calm atmosphere disappeared at the moment, Suou getting a sudden bad feeling. Kind of like someone was following him...

Glancing back slightly, a much taller black-haired male caught his eye. He quickly turned back, quickening his pace but hearing heavier footsteps echo his own. The guy was following him? Suou swallowed the bit of panic that rose in his chest, trying so hard to stay calm even though he heard the footsteps grow closer. Walking past the entry to an alley, the mysterious male struck, grabbing the back of his coat suddenly and practically throwing him into the alley.

The panicked male hit the ground hard, a small, scared noise passing his lips as tears filled his eyes. He shakily tried picking himself up, but the hard sole of a boot hit his back, making him squeak in pain. Maniacal laughter filled the air, an unfamiliar set of deep crimson eyes glaring evilly at him.
         "Well well... You're prettier than I first anticipated..." The male grinned, carefully tracing the side of Suou's now dirty face. His tanned hand brushed through his disheveled white hair, a small sob coming from the terrified young blader.
         "P-please... L-leave me alone..." Suou sobbed quietly, tears trailing his cheeks.
         "Ah ah, I'm afraid I can't do that young one... I've been watching you for a while, and now, I want you for myself..." The male leaned down and licked his cheek, causing Suou to shiver at the touch and let out another sob.

He was picked up roughly from the ground, the taller male pushing him against the wall as he started stripping him of his black and magenta coat. Suou tried pushing him off, only for his wrists to be pinned high above his head. Now he was at his mercy, the stranger loosening his two-color tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt, exposing his perfectly clean body.

Oh how he can't wait to taint this markless skin...

Suou fought against him again, kicking at him this time. But, unfortunately, his legs were pinned the moment he started.
         "S-stop, l-let me go!" He cried again, his tears dripping down his cheeks. His golden eyes, now open slightly, stared tearfully into the deep crimson eyes of his assailant, flinching when his filthy tongue was on his cheek again. His tongue ran down the side of his face, down his jaw, throat, and neck before brushing over the pink bud of his nipple.

Suou moaned softly in discomfort, begging and pleading for him to be let go, even though he knew this wasn't going to happen.


Fubuki bolted down the street, looking desperately for his friend. Forneus, the bey voice...  He sounded distressed after Suou left, and the bad feeling he had never went away.
         "Suou!" He tried calling out, trying to see if he'll get some sort of an answer back. None was received, much to his dismay, as he pushed himself to run faster, his lungs burning for a break.  "Suou!"

Running past an alley, he heard a quiet squeak, skidding to a stop and looking down it. Nothing stood out to him, but his bad feel repelled him from running off again. He forced himself to walk into the alley, glad he did when he found the filthy body of hi3as friend slumped against the brick wall of a neighboring building. Upon hearing footsteps approaching him, Suou's golden eyes met deep red ones, his hand coming to and slapping him before Fubuki had time to react.

Strong hands grabbed his wrists suddenly, making him let out a heartbreaking cry, Fubuki's eyes softening at the cry.
           "N-no! L-let me go!" He sobbed, tears streaming his cheeks as he fought against his hands.
          "No, Suou it's just me." His voice was soft, and it made the slightly smaller stop his struggle and latch onto him tightly, crying into his shoulder. Fubuki held him close, his arms around his waist as the shivering male clung to his skin-tight black shirt. "It's okay, I'm here, I got you..."

Pulling back, Fubuki assessed the damage to his friend, looking him over to see if he was hurt in some way. His face was filthy, dirt streaks running down from the tears. His shirt was unbuttoned and dirty, his belt and pants undone as well.
          "I-I thought he was going to rape me..." Suou cried softly into his shoulder, refusing to let him go.
          "It's okay, he's gone now..." The blonde male whispered to him, even though he didn't know who 'he' was.

Fubuki lifted him up in his arms, knowing he was too scared to let him, picking his coat up off the ground and holding it as he started walking. He was taking him to his house, his heart aching as he listened to his whimpers and crys, his arms and legs wrapped desperately around him. The slightly taller male rubbed his back gently with one hand, shifting him in his arms to fish his keys from his pocket before unlocking the door. Closing and locking the door again behind them, Fubuki walked into the bathroom and carefully set his scared friend on the sink.

He dampened a washcloth, brushing Suou's messy white from his face and gently cleaning it off. Small sobs and hiccups were getting stuck in his throat, his golden eyes closed again as the cloth brushed gently all over his face, finding it calming.
          "There, all clean." Fubuki gave him a small smile, rinsing out the washcloth before picking him up again, taking him into his room and setting job on his bed as he went over to his dresser. "Your clothes are filthy, so I'll let you borrow some of mine while yours are in the washer."

Suou was handed a large t-shirt and shorts, looking to at him as he was given a smile, not helping with smiling slightly back.
          "T-thank you... F-for everything..." He said softly, holding the clothes closer to him as his stomach fluttered.
          "Anything for you Suou, I'd do anything for you..." Fubuki hugged him suddenly, the slightly smaller male not hesitating in hugging home back.
          "I-I love you..." The words came out faster before he could stop them, tensing up in his arms in fear.
          "I love you too Suou..." Fubuki said quietly, truthfully. They pulled back slightly and Fubuki's lips met his in a short, sweet kiss, hands running though messy white hair.

Suou felt happy. Like, the whole thing with the mystery male didn't happen. He has Fubuki. A sweet guy, an amazing blader, and a great friend, now more than a friend to him.
          "Go ahead and get dressed. I'll cook some dinner, and then we can just relax and cuddle the rest of the night."
          "O-okay..." Slightly open golden eyes watched as he walked out of his room, a smile tugging his lips as he started getting dressed. Thinking about all his characteristics made him smile more, giggling softly.

'I don't deserve you... But I'm lucky to have you...'

And he stood and walking out of the room of the blader he loved with all his heart...

NightBear15 signing off...

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