Empire State... (Kurt Baratier x Bisuke)

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Being known as an Emperor definitely had its perks. But its problems? Being followed around wherever you went.

Kurt has this problem constantly. Don’t get him wrong, he enjoys the company of his loyal subjects. But it gets to be a bit too much when you’re trying to spend time alone. And for the dear Emperor, he’s been trying to spend more time with his partner, but found it always interrupted when other members of the court find where he’s hiding.
    “Why does this have to be so idiotically difficult?” He asked, his hand holding his head up as he leaned in his chair. Bisuke, his beloved little jester, sat beside him, looking up at him at the question.
    “What do you mean?” The tiny teen asked, leaning back in his own chair. Kurt sighed in exasperation, closing his red eyes for a second in thought.
    “Being alone. Why does it have to be so difficult to be alone for just a minute?” The Emperor repeated his question, slight annoyance in his voice. Bisuke looked down slightly and stood, glancing at him for a second.
    “If you want to be alone, I can leave…” He told him softly, going to walk towards the door. Kurt reached forward and grabbed his wrist gently, pulling him back.
    “I never said it included you. I want more time for you and me to spend together, and it’s hard to do that when there are prying eyes in every direction…” The man pulled his partner towards him and caught his lips, pulling him onto his lap gently.

These two have been together for the last three years and yet no one else in the Underground Kingdom knows of their relationship, since it would be considered as scandalous in a way.

Bisuke felt himself blush as he rested his small hands on the Emperor’s cheeks gently, enjoying the kiss while they could. Of course, as anticipated, a knock echoed on the door, causing the two to pull away and Bisuke to slide off his partner’s lap. He sat back in his own chair as the door opened, several members of the court walked through the door.


    “W-why are we running?!”

Yes, Kurt and Bisuke were currently running through the streets of New York City, the Emperor doing everything he could so he and his jester could be alone. Just for a day… The other members of the court chased after them and called out to them, doing everything to catch up with their beloved Emperor.
    “We’re running to avoid the court.” Kurt flashed his love a small smile as they continued running, the taller male grabbing his hand gently so Bisuke kept pace.
    “B-but why? I-I don’t understand!” The jester was running out of breath quickly, not used to all the running they were doing all of a sudden.
    “I’ll explain later, Bisuke.”

The further they drew away from the court, Kurt lifted his partner up into his arms and smiled at the squeak he heard from him. The two slipped away into a building unseen and stepped to the side, watching the rest of the court run straight past the doors, efficiently losing the group.
    “Finally…” Kurt breathed, setting Bisuke back on his feet as he caught his breath. “Now it’s just you and me for the day.”
    “They’re gonna keep looking for us, sire.” Bisuke told him, leaning his back against the wall.
    “But for now, you and I are going to spend this free time together.” The Emperor took the smaller’s hand yet again and they walked out of the building, walking in the opposite direction the court ran.

The busy streets of New York City were crowded, giving them some cover as they furthered the distance from the Kingdom. The couple exchanged small conversations as they walked, Bisuke’s cute laugh enough to make this taller man fall in love all over again. His red eyes were a lot softer than normal and of course the jester noticed it, smiling up at him as they walked.
    “Okay, I’ll admit, it’s really nice having it just be us.” The black and orange-haired male giggled, squeezing the larger hand that held his.
    “See, I told you.” Kurt chuckled, the two walking through the front doors of the Empire State Building. The two have taken a couple date trips to the largest building in New York because they both enjoy the gorgeous view the structure offered, so of course Bisuke got super excited about returning yet again.
    “Oh, it’s good to be back…” Bisuke smiled, the two stepping into the elevator. The doors closed and Kurt knelt down, pressing their lips together as they traveled to the top floor.

The jester kissed him back happily, they pulling away as the elevator came to a stop. They stepped off hand in hand and took the stairs the rest of the way up, emerging outside on top of the building. The sun was already starting to set slowly, the sky exploding in reds and oranges and purples to add to the breath-taking view.
    “You know, I’ve always loved when we took our trips up here.” Kurt said, he and his beloved leaning against the concrete railing towards the edge.
    “I do too. I always live for the view…” Bisuke’s grey eyes were trained to the view, a soft smile on his lips. “Thanks for bringing me here again Kurt, it really means a lot…”
    “Anything for my favorite jester.” Kurt chuckled, smiling slightly as he ruffled his hair gently.

In all of their three years together, this was the first time Kurt was actually a little nervous considering something was burning a hole in his pocket. He looked down at his lover and felt his heart flutter at the sight beside him. Bisuke practically glowed in the setting light and the tall man felt his cheeks burn a light pink, bringing a hand to his pocket to draw something out. He glanced down at it before taking in a deep breath, getting down on one knee beside his partner.
    “The sight really is something, isn’t-” The small jester stopped his sentence when he turned to look at Kurt, a dark blush burning his cheeks as he stared in shock at the sight. “K-Kurt?”
    “I love you so much, Bisuke… Will you marry me?” The Emperor asked softly, a gentle look in his red eyes as his hand held an engagement ring.

Tears filled grey eyes as his small hands came up and covered his mouth, a wide smile spreading across his lips as he leapt into his partner’s arms.
    “Y-yes!” He told him happily, their lips coming together in a scorching kiss. Kurt kissed him and slid the ring onto his left hand, holding him close as they shared the same amount of love for one another.

The jester is no longer a jester of the court, he’s going to be a new emperor alongside his beloved~

NightBear15 signing off...

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