Haunting Thoughts... (Gabe Brunai x Lui Shirasagijo)

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Lui’s mother had passed away when he was fifteen, having perished in a car accident during a stormy day. Even two years after it all, his thoughts still fell towards his mother, still missing her exponentially. Everything was fine in life before her passing, just like everything fell after. The abuse the shortest Supreme Four member experienced was horrifying because his father was constantly drunk and angry.

He wasn’t like that before…

Heartbreak can change anyone, whether permanent or temporary it still happens. The heartbreak changed Lui’s father, and it changed him as well. The only person that truly saw a different side to our flame-haired blader was Gabe, but that’s because of their relationship. Lui was normally really closed off from others but when he first met Gabe shortly after moving back to Beigoma City, the maroon-haired man helped him to open up. Even if it was just a little bit. Gabe helped him to get out of his abusive father’s hold, having him move in with him and his parents since they were still in high school. 


    “I’ll be okay, sweetie!”

    “Don’t worry my little shark, I’ll only be gone for forty-five minutes!”

    “I love you so much…”

Violet eyes snapped open as a sharp breath passed his lips, immediately sitting up in bed. Lui pushed a hand in his hair and let out a shaky breath, finally feeling the tears that coated his pale cheeks.
    ‘Just a dream…’ He thought to himself, his ears finally hearing the crying that came from the monitor on the nightstand. The flame-haired male swallowed and brushed his tears away, glancing over to his sleeping partner. Gabe was dead asleep next to him, causing the smaller to sigh and stand.

Guess he’ll handle it…

The young Spin Emperor slid out of bed with a yawn and ventured out of the bedroom, slipping his way into the room next door. His daughter cried and fussed in her crib as he walked up, reaching down and scooping her up into his arms to soothe her.
    “Shh baby girl, I’m here…” He hushed softly, listening as her cries softened as he rocked her. Baby Leila looked up at him with teary eyes, whimpering and wiggling in the grasp as Lui walked from the room, walking down the stairs. When he walked into the kitchen, his violet eyes scanned the time, sighing when he saw it was almost four in the morning. He rocked his baby girl in one arm as the other prepared a bottle for her, smiling softly down at her as she cooed and babbled.

His beloved daughter. Another grounding point for Lui’s sanity during all of the hardships. The baby bottle warmed in the microwave as he cuddled his baby girl, little Leila making soft coos and babbles the whole time which brought the smallest of smiles to the Spin Emperor's face. His beautiful girl looked up at him with her heterochromia eyes, quiet breathy giggles replacing the babbles while Lui finished the bottle.
    "What's so funny? You waking me up this early?" He asked her, nudging the nipple of the bottle into her mouth. Leila drank happily as her tiny hands gripped her mommy's fingers, eyes closed as Lui walked to the living room.

The Luinor blader sat on the couch with a heavy yawn, fighting the exhaustion he started feeling the moment he sank into the cushion. His eyes were slowly closing as his head started dipping, jolting slightly when a voice called out.
    "Lui…?" The sleep-ridden voice of his partner called out to him, the nineteen-year-old blader standing in the doorway of the living room. His maroon hair was disheveled from sleep, a small smile on his lips at the sight of his beloved with their daughter.
    "G'morning…" Lui said, yawning harshly after as he glanced back down at his baby.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't hear her crying… You should've woke me up…" Gabe told him, walking over and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
    "Don't worry about it, I was already up anyway…"
    "Why? Are you having nightmares again?"

Damn this man for knowing him so well…

Lui sighed softly and nodded, setting the baby bottle aside when Leila finished as he moved to burp her.
    "Mostly just old memories of my mom again…" The flame-haired teen confessed, patting his baby's back. Gabe pressed his lips together onto a thin line and combed his fingers through soft baby blue hair.
    "I'm sorry honey… You know she'd be proud of you, right?"
    "How? Why?"
    "Well, you're taking care of yourself as well as our beautiful daughter. You're not letting her passing affect your physical or mental state. Losing a family member is always going to be tough on someone, but their memory will live on because we the living refuse to forget them…" Gabe pressed yet another kiss to his cheek this time, smiling softly and holding out his arms. "Why don't you let me put her to sleep while you go back to our room? Then you and I can go back to bed as well."
    "After your little monologue, you should be surprised you didn't put me to sleep." Lui joked, passing their daughter into his lover's arms.

Gabe rolled his eyes and stood, cradling little Leila.
    "Ha ha, very funny… Get upstairs dork." The taller blader told him, walking down the hall and up the stairs.
    "Fine…" Lui mumbled to himself, pulling himself off the couch and setting the bottle on the coffee table before disappearing upstairs. But instead of following Gabe to the nursery, he walked into their room and collapsed on the bed. Fuck, raising a baby was rough on his sleep schedule…
    "Doing okay?" Gabe asked when he walked into the bedroom, shutting the door before walking over.
    "I'm just tired…" The violet-eyed male mumbled, not even looking at him as he closed his eyes. Gabe chuckled and shut the lamp off, enveloping the room in darkness as he laid down, pulling his beloved to his chest.
    "Let's get some more sleep then baby…" Through the dark, he found Lui's lips with his own, kissing him softly before pulling away. "Good night honey…"
    "Night Gabe…" Lui mumbled sleepily, falling asleep rather quickly wrapped up in the strong arms of his partner.

No haunting thoughts to bother him for the rest of the night~

NightBear15 signing off...

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