Catcalling... ~V2~ (Arman Kusaba x Gwyn Reynolds)

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Date nights are great.

But when you're up to your neck in college work and homework from an internship at a high school, Gwyn Reynolds hardly has the time to go out. Of course, he feels terrible about constantly changing and cancelling plans with his beloved, but it can't be helped sometimes-
    "Gwyn, don't worry about it!" He was told during one of the nights he was staying at his partner's apartment. "Summer vacation is in a few days, which means no college and no internship. With the start of summer, I'm taking you out to dinner and you can't argue."
    "Arman, you're sweet, but-"
    "No buts!" Arman Kusaba, such a great persuader. "Baby, love of my life, you are twenty years old and you're burying yourself in your work."
    "Arman, you're in the same programs as me. How do you have the time to ask me out?"
    "Proper time management, my love." His smile was infectious as he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Gwyn's pale cheek. "How do you manage to sleep so little yet function so well?"

Arman's question made his lover laugh, his playful smile melting into a softer one as beautiful pink eyes stared lovingly at him.
    "That takes practice..." Gwyn laughed, brushing a few strands of his snow white hair from his face. The older man snorted and looked away, laughing.
    "That's terrible! How much caffeine do you ingest just to be functional?"
    "I call bullshit!" His laughter increased, bringing the petite male to laugh as well.
    "Arman, I'm serious. You know for a fact I don't like energy drinks or coffee."
    Well, yeah, but I didn't actually believe you sleep so little and then have no caffeine to function like a normal human being all day." Green eyes stared straight into pink Arman's laughter subsiding, pushing the laptop occupying his partner's lap out of the way so he could lay his head in his lap. Gwyn stared down at him curiously, a small smile on his lips as he ran his fingers through the spiked up brown hair.
    "What are you doing...?" He asked softly, raising an eyebrow at him. The English major only smiled widely, his eyes closed as he tucked his arms behind his head.
    "Just staring at my baby."

Arman truly was a sweet guy, so what did Gwyn do to deserve him? He still doesn't know the answer.


    "I can't believe you convinced me to go out..." The math major sighed, squeezing the hand he had a grip on.
    "Because you constantly lock yourself away and you need to get out more!" Arman smiled, the couple walking down one the side streets of Beigoma City. "It's summer vacation Gwyn, live it up this year."
    "I don't socialize well, you know this..."
    "No need to fear baby, you're only socializing with me tonight." They laughed and the smaller male hugged the arm he had a hold on, smiling at him softly. Everything was fine, going great, all until they heard a distinct whistle from behind them.
    "Damn honey, you're looking fucking fine. Why don't you come and be with a real man?"

The sudden callout made Gwyn flush red, Arman stopping dead in his tracks to turn and glare at the man.
    "Hey, buddy, didn't anyone tell you catcalling is disgusting?" He asked sharply, his hand tightening on his lover's protectively.
    "Come on babe, ditch that loser and come with me instead. I'll show you a good time~" The catcaller persisted, stepping closer to them as his eyes pierced right into the petite male's heart.

Almost like he was being undressed with his eyes...

The thought made Gwyn shiver and whine softly, his taller partner standing protectively in front of him now.
    "Look, what you're doing right now isn't cute. Cut it out before you piss me off." Arman threatened, crossing his arms over his chest.
    "Aww, what's the matter pussy boy? Feel threatened by a better man?" The guy taunted, leaning to the side to look at Gwyn again. "Come on sweetheart, let's ditch this loser."
    "... Arman, I'm really uncomfortable..." Gwyn whispered, his small hands holding tightly to the back of Arman's shirt.
    "I am too, let's get out of here..." The couple turned to walk away, the catcaller obviously not taking that too well.

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