A Ventriloquist's Struggle... (Ben Azuki x Ken Midori)

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Ken walked nervously through the doors to his new school... He kept his head tucked into his scarf slightly as he scanned his surroundings, Keru and Besu close to his chest.

The bell rang and the other students disbanded to get to their first class of the day. The young ventriloquist walked to his first class, the teacher catching sight of him and waving him in.
        "Everyone!" She started, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Meet our new student, Ken Midori. He just moved here and he's a bit shy, so try and make him feel welcome."

Whispers emitted from the others, whispers about how he wore puppets on his hands. He flushed, his gaze moving to the floor as the teacher spoke again.
          "Ben, could you raise your hand? Ken will be sitting next to you." She asked. A guy with a pink mohawk, magenta eyes, and a bandage on his cheek leaned back in his seat; raising his hand half heartedly.

Ken made his way to the desk, sitting down and staring at the tabletop. Ben spared a glance at the fanged boy, noticing how he was looking depressed and staring at the brown and blue puppets sitting on his hands. Maybe they could be friends.


Class went by painstakingly slow for Ken's taste, sighing as he moved out of the room and down the hall.
          "Hey puppet boy!" A male's voice suddenly rang out, making the green clad male turn to the voice.

His green eyes widened when he seen a group of mean-looking guys behind him. He gulped, looking at the guys and then a hallway, taking off running. He squeaked when heard five pairs of feet echoing behind him, the angry calls of the guys making him cringe and tear up slightly.

The young ventriloquist rounded a corner, skidding to a halt when he about ran into a wall.
        "Well well... Look who can't run from us now..." The same voice said, a smirk on his face. Ken faced them, pressing his back into the wall and Keru and Besu to his chest.

The one in the middle snapped his fingers, two strong looking guys stepping forward and grabbing his arms, pinning them to the wall. The warmth of his beloved puppets was lost suddenly when they were pulled off his hands, the bullies putting them in their pockets.

The rest moved forward, the leader taking the first move and punching him in the face, making him cry out. The rest joined in after, punching and kicking at the poor male. The bell rang and the abuse stopped, Ken dropping to the ground when his arms were freed.
         "You better not tell anyone about this puppet boy..." The leader sneered, grabbing his bruising face to have him look at him. "Got it?"

Ken nodded shakily, tears and blood dripping down his face. The group left after, taking Keru and Besu with them. The fanged boy curled up on the cold floor, sobbing softly and wishing he was back home.

Ben was walking to class when he had seen something out of the corner of his eye. Down a hallway, something brown and slightly familiar laid discarded on the floor, making him raise an eyebrow. He moved down the hallway and, as he grew closer, realized it was one of the puppets the new guy wears.

He picked it up, magenta eyes looking it over. Something wasn't right, surely he wouldn't lose it. They looked like they were really important to him. He moved further down the hallway, noticing the soft crying from around the corner.

There, curled up in a heap on the floor, laid the ventriloquist, bruised and beaten. Ben walked over to him, dropping down to a knee and nudging him softly. Ken cried out suddenly from the touch, whipping around and punching the shorter male in the face.

Ben dropped to the floor in surprise, growling softly and grabbing his wrists. Green eyes snapped open as he tried to kick him away, calming down slightly when he seen it was only Ben.

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