Baby, Don't Cut... (Silas Karlisle x Cuza Ackerman)

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*I finally fixed it, holy shit*

He was only seventeen with his whole life ahead of him, a senior in the high school he hated. The other students discredit him, bully him for his perky and bubbly personality and his acrobatic skills. One person is only nice to him, a handsome green-haired male he was happy to call his boyfriend. He tried to help him see it wasn't how it all seems, but each and every day, his self esteem was getting lower and lower. Silas was sweet. Sure, he could be a bit insensitive at times, but it was all just to help him. He's told him that after every dark night there is a brighter day, but that hardly worked.

He's tried to overdose.

He's tried taking his life away.

Hopelessly sitting beside his bed, Cuza sighed, his legs drawn to his chest as his arms rested on his knees. Silas was beside him, the taller male looking at him and laying his hand gently on his cheek. Cuza flinched and looked away, making the male beside him furrow his eyebrows.
"Is something bothering you?" Silas asked, mimicking his position as he looked at him.
"No, I'm fine..." Cuza said softly, glancing at him with yellow eyes seemingly clouded with an emotion Silas has rarely seen. The green-haired male reached around him, his arm draped around as he tried to pull him into his embrace. He found it to be difficult seeing as his small boyfriend was fighting against him slightly, his little hands pushing him away. His sleeves had rolled up slightly, blue eyes widening and blinking when he seen all the pale lines littering his skin.

Silas grabbed his arms gently, keeping his hands together with one hand as the other rolled his sleeves up more, getting a much better look at what seems like hundreds of scars in various sizes and widths. The smaller black-haired male felt numb, not daring to look at him as his eyes shone with tears. Silas was in shock, his blue eyes wide and full of concern.
           "Cuza... Why would you do this? Why would you cut yourself?" He asked, pleading at him to answer his question.
           "... It's the only way I can control the pain I feel inside..."
           "How long has it been going on? How long have you felt this way?" Silas demanded. "Because I'm here feeling so damn helpless."
           "It's been going on for a while... I guess I just needed better luck..."

Silas was getting even more upset, his own eyes filling slightly with tears as he made him look into his eyes.
           "Listen to me baby, don't you ever cut! I won't ever forgive myself if I lost you! You may feel you're on your own, but you're not! Pretty boy, you don't have to be alone, I'm here. I'm always here when you need me. I know your heart is hurting, I know you think that blade is your only friend, but that's why you have me... Please, baby don't cut..." The taller male ranted, hugging him tightly. Cuza was in tears, holding onto him for dear life and sobbing into his chest, begging him to never leave as Silas assured him he wouldn't.


The next day at school, Cuza is feeling a lot better than he did yesterday. Walking down the corridor with his books in his hands, he actually gave a few small, shy smiles to the people who greeted him, feeling today was going to be a good day. All of that ended though. When he walked through the door to his next class, his fingers fumbled, causing his grip to slip and his books fell to the floor.

Cuza flushed red as he bent down to retrieve them, tears filling his eyes when all the other students were pointing and laughing at him. He couldn't take it anymore and ran from the room, sending his boy a text saying: "I love you with my body, heart, and soul to death..." Silas felt his phone buzz, pulling it out and smiling when he seen the message. He didn't think anything of it though, sending back an "I love you" as his class began.

What he didn't know was when he "to death", he literally had meant it. Cuza ducked his next class and ran all the way home, hiding himself away in the bathroom as he sat in the bathtub with a blade, thinking to himself that he would never break a promise this soon...

One cut.

Two cuts.

Three cuts.


His blood had started dripping from the tub to the floor. His boyfriend had a feeling he hated in his stomach. Following it, he ran down to his house, not even deciding to wait. Seeing the front door open, he walked inside without a second thought, hearing the water in the bathroom running and stormed into the bathroom, his heart gunning when he seen the one he loves bleeding heavily.

Silas put his arm around his shoulder, leaning him up and laying him beside the bathtub as he yelled out his name. His whole world feels like it's been hit with an avalanche, tears filling his eyes as he he tore off his shirt to try and slow the bleeding.
           "Help! Someone, please! Call an ambulance!" He screamed out, looking down at his fading boy. He was mad, he was angry, feeling like someone had led him on to all this. Cuza's eyes were rolling as he was starting to drift out of consciousness. Sirens were heard and medics ran in, getting him on the gurney and taking over for trying to stop his bleeding. Silas followed as they loaded him up in the ambulance, blood staining his pale skin and tears dripped down his cheeks as they started heading to the hospital.

The paramedics rushed him in, a doctor called emergency as they took him to one of the bays. Silas was forced to wait in the waiting area, hoping he was going to be okay. He lost a lot of blood, the bathroom looks like someone was murdered in it, the green-haired male shook away all the negative thoughts that started to cloud his mind.


An hour later, doctor walked into the waiting area with a sad look on his face, walking up to Silas. The male seen the doctor and stood up immediately, his cheeks tear and blood-stained.
            "How is he, is everything alright? Can I see him finally?" Silas asked quickly, hoping and praying that he was going to recover just fine. The doctor sighed and, much to Silas' dismay, shook his head.
            "I'm sorry son but his blood loss was too great. I'm sorry to tell you, but he's gone..."

Silas felt like he was just hit by a truck, stumbling and collapsing to his knees in devastation as the doctor knelt beside him in concern, shaking his shoulder to snap him back to reality.

His world.

His love.

Gone in an instant.

His life was crashing down around him, pained tears streaking his cheeks when he realized he pushed him to this. He felt it was his fault that Cuza, his beloved boyfriend, was dead now. He never even got to tell him that he loves him one fine time.

He thought he made a promise that he would never cut...

'Nobody seems to get you
You feel you're on your own
But listen pretty boy, you don't have to be alone
So baby don't cut
Baby don't cut
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut

'I know your heart is hurting
You think the road has end
You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend
Baby don't cut
Baby don't cut
You can do anything just promise baby you won't cut...'

NightBear15 signing off...

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