His Anger... ~Smut~ (Xander Shakadera x Ruwei Sun)

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    “I can’t believe you! That was a very important staff to me Xander, and you just snapped it in half!” Ruwei yelled angrily at the massive blader, walking towards the direction of his cabin.
    “Look, I’ve already apologized four times about that! Can’t you just let it go?” Xander told him, following behind him. Ruwei turned to him as he stopped in his place, his hands curled into fists.
    “‘Let it go'?! Are you serious?! There’s no letting this go!” The brown-haired martial  artist continued his angry walk back to his cabin, Xander following yet again.
    “Ruwei, I don’t know what else you want me to do! I didn’t mean to break it, but it was your fault for coming after me!”
    “Don’t you dare try to turn this back around on me! It’s called ‘training’ for a reason!”

Ruwei opened the door to the cabin and stepped inside, Xander behind him with his arms crossed over his chest.
    “You’re being ridiculous, it’s just a staff.” The tall redhead told him, shutting the door before leaning back against it.
    “I’ve had that staff since I was a child! My parents gave it to me and now it’s fucking gone, all because you have no respect for other people!” The Regulus blader shouted angrily, stepping back as his teammate approached him.
    “Your anger is clouding your judgement! Where’s the calm and collected blader I fell in love with?”
    “He’s not here anymore because you’ve thoroughly pissed me off Xander!” Ruwei pushed him away from him, going for the door again. The red-haired man reached out and grabbed his wrist within his large hand, holding him in place. “Let me go!”
    “No, not until you calm down.”
    “You have no right to do this to me!”
    “We’ve been together since I joined SB Rios, of course I have the right!”

Xander pushed the smaller blader back and forced his back to the wall, holding him in place and his red eyes stared down at him with intensity. Ruwei fought the bright blush that threatened his cheeks, struggling against the taller man angrily.
    “Let me go, I don’t want to see you right now.” He growled, attempting to push him away with his free hand. Well, that was his plan before Xander took hold of it, pinning both of his hands above his head.
    “You need to calm down and start thinking straight. I’m trying to help you.” Xander said lowly, his own anger getting worse. Ruwei grit his teeth together and brought his leg up, dealing a swift kick to Xander’s stomach, causing him to grunt and let him go. The Regulus blader shuffled away from him to go for the door, his hand on the doorknob. The Xcalius blader grabbed the back of his partner’s jacket tightly, flipping him over his shoulder and crashing him against the floor.

Ruwei grunted at the contact and opened his eyes in a glare, his smaller hands gripping onto the taller’s wrist tightly.
    “Why can’t you ever just leave me alone?!” He asked angrily, suppressing a wince when Xander pushed him further into the floor.
    “Because I fucking love you, no matter how many pitiful fights you and I get into.” Xander growled, hovering over him with intensity in his eyes. The brown-haired male frowned, grabbing the front of his partner’s shirt and pulling him down against his lips harshly. The fiery kiss was only the beginning for two as Xander pulled him off of the floor, his large hands holding tightly to Ruwei’s jacket as he pushed him into the surface of his bed. The two kissed each other hard, Xander’s tongue forcing its way into the other’s mouth as he got work on stripping him.

Now, we already know Xander has a massive amount of strength, he’s broken his launcher because of it. Considering the red-haired giant doesn’t know his own strength, ee quite literally tore Ruwei’s jacket off of his body, causing his small partner to pull away at the sound.
    “D… Did you just rip my shirt?” He asked, slightly breathless from the harsh kiss. His grey eyes looked down and stared at the long tear his jacket now held, his anger regaining. “Seriously?!”
    “Whoops, I didn’t mean to do that…” Xander smiled sheepishly, causing Ruwei to grow angrier.
    “Do you even care about what you did?! There’s a zipper for a goddamn reason, dumbass!”
    “Look, I didn’t mean to, okay?!”
    “First my staff and now my jacket, it’s like you just don’t respect me!”
    “Of course I do!”
    “Obviously not! That’s it, I don’t think this relationship is going to work.”

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