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Still Hero's POV

"Hello? Minecraftia to Herobrine?" Shadow waved his hands in front of me.

Uh... the evil one.

The descendant of shadows.

Wait... they both are.


Anyway, that sure snapped me out of my memories.

"What?" I asked.

"You were staring out into the horizon." Notch said.

"Is even there a horizon in this forest?" I asked.

"Ugh. You win." Notch said.

"Hello? Minecraftia to Notch and Brian?" Shadow asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Im gonna tell you my plan to take over Minecraft." Shadow said. "The shadows will help me rise to victory!"

"Hey!" Shadow said indignantly. Uh... the good Shadow. "What gives you the right to use the shadows to your will? To let them fight to their deaths for the world!"

"So. What gives you the right to use the shadows to fight their kin?" Shadow retorted.

"But..." Shadow said. Then something must've clicked in his head, because he froze. "Wait..."

"Finally figured it out, son?" He spat the word son out venomously.

"B-but..." Shadow stammered. "Y-you're d-de..." He turned away.

"You, you worthless bitc* of a son, killed me! Your own father!" Shadow exclaimed.

"You were evil! You think I want to k-kill-l you?" His voice cracked. "You killed innocent people!"

"Well, sorry to disapoint you. I came back to life, and is as healthy as ever. I'm the commander, and soon, I will take the rightful place as the ruler of Shadows, and the world!" Shadow flinched at his father's words.

"You can't!" Shadow shouted.

"He's right, Shadow." I stepped foward. "You can't do this."

"For old friend's sake, huh? No, I ain't buy'in that, Brian." I flinched at his words.

"Shadow... don't. We were such good friends before!" I pleaded.

404 looked at the exchange between us.

"Um..." He cut in. "I know you, don't I?" He asked Shadow.

"Yep, 404. I know you, but you forgot me, huh?" Shadow laughed bitterly. "It was a long time ago."

"A long time ago..." 404 muttered.

"Well well." Shadow said. "I was telling you of my plan to take over Minecraft. Maybe I should start by destroying you!"

Galaxy struggled againest his grip and her eyes glowed.

"Ooh. A brine, huh. Who is the mother?" Shadow taunted.

"That will be me." Fade walked out of the shadows, followed by Star.

"Hey Fade." Shadow said. "Why would you even sire her?"

"I don't know." Fade said emotionlessly. "Should I deal with the girl?"

"Yes." Shadow grinned. "Do so."

"Well well, sis. We meet again." Star said with contempt. "And I'm Nightmare. Not Star." She sneered and took Galaxy in her hands. Her black gloves seem to suck Galaxy's energy away. "Call me Night."

I flinched. That name... exactly the same as Galaxy's bad side. It brought back too many bad memories.

"I offer you something, Brian. Join me. You are a glitch, like me. Unwanted." Shadow said softly. "Join me. Get your revenge."

I blinked.

"Well?" Shadow asked.

All my emotions crashed down at me at once. Hurt, sadness, betrayal, anger, love, wistfulness.

"No." I managed to say.

Shadow growled and a ball of shadow hit me before I had time to react.

I gasped softly as my vision started to blacken and I fell to the ground.

Shadow's POV

This was like a nightmare come true.

Evil dad coming back to life.

Best friend captured.

Friends getting betrayed.

People trying to fricken take over the dam Minecraft world!

Can this madness stop?

404's POV

I ran over to Hero as he fell backwards.

"Hero!" I cried out.

Notch ran over.

"He'll be ok." He said, feeling for his head.

"Join me." Shadow said, oblivious to what was happening.

"Never." The good Shadow shouted.

"Your little friend here depends on you." Shadow grinned.

Galaxy struggled.

"No." I said. "Don't do it, Shadow."

Both Shadows looked at me.

"Take me." I said. "Not the girl."

"404. No!" I heard a voice say.

I turned and saw Herobrine struggling to sit up.

"No." He said firmly. "Not gonna happen."

I looked at all the prisoners Shadow had captured.

"Do we have a deal?" I asked.

"No." The good Shadow cut in.

"Why?" I asked impaitently.

"The only thing you want, dad-" Shadow started to say, but was cut off.

"Don't call me dad." Shadow growled.

"The only thing you want is me. For me to suffer." Shadow said calmly.

"No!" Galaxy shouted, knowing what was going to happen.

The good Shadow glanced wistfully at Galaxy.

"You take me. Use whatever you need to make me suffer. Let them go." Shadow prompted. "Do whatever you want with me."

"Hm..." Shadow mused, as he considered this.

"Do we have a deal?" Shadow asked.

I couldn't believe it. Shadow was sacrificing himself.

"No."A raspy voice said.

Shadow turned. "Lick?" He spat.

"I know your son isn't the real reason. You want me, for ruining your life." Lick said. "Take me, if you want, but not the boy."

"Too late." Shadow cackled. He grabbed Shadow and released the captured Steves.

"What about Galaxy? You promised, dad." Shadow said.

"Well." Shadow stabbed Galaxy in the gut with a sword made of shadows.

"You promised." Shadow insisted.

"Let her go." Shadow commanded, and Star let go reluctantly.

Galaxy fell to the ground, and Herobrine ran over to her and brought her back here.

Galaxy stirred and watched as the evil Shadow make shadows wrap around Shadow, and they disapeared.

"No!" She shouted, but she couldn't move. She could only watch.

We watched as Shadow shadow-travelled away, with Shadow. The brave Shadow, who sacrificed himself to save us.

As Shadow went, he cackled wickedly.

"Beware. The end is coming."

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