Memory Loss, Magic Learnt

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Narrator's POV (3rd P of course I'll be doing all the narrator POV in 3rd P)

"So that's the story of Herobrine." Galaxy nodded. "I kind of feel sad about him."

"Tell me about yourself." requested Sanna. "I'm very curious about your heritage."

"Well, I woke up at a grassy meadow with nothing. I knew how Minecraft worked, but I've never been here before. I never thought of it but it's weird that it's like this, isn't it?"

"Please continue." Sanna said.

"Ok. So... wait... I remember nothing except waking in Minecraft and nothing before it."

"What about your heritage. Like, your family?"

"I don't remember..."

"We'll help you get your memories back, I promise."



Galaxy's POV (1st P)

I was walking out of the building and Shadow stopped me.

"Hey." He said. "Sanna told me to teach you how to use magic. Wanna start now?"

"Ok..." I replied. "Just lemme tell Sophie."

"There's no time." He pulled me towards a small room which was, apparently magicproof.

"The first thing is to fell your magic. Understand it. Feel it. Connect with it. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I nodded.

"Try making a fire stay on your hand." He demonstrated. "Like this."

A black fire danced across his palm.

I must admit, it was impressive.

"Now you try."

I concentrated, then my eyes glowed, and the tiniest bit of light danced. I added more magic to it, and it glowed strongly.

"Now try sending the light towards the wall."

I made a forwarding motion, and the ball of fire flew out of my hand, into the wall, and was intercepted by Shadow.

"I'll send I ball of fire at you, and you catch it like I did."

He sent a fireball at me and I caught it. I was looking proud when the darkness seeped into my skin and I cried out in pain.

"Galaxy? Are you ok?" Shadow asked.

I couldn't answer. I was in too much pain.

"Oh, damn." He mumbled. He pressed his hands to my hand and closed his eyes.

The dark energy recreated on his hand and he shook his head.

"I can't do it." Shadow said. "Galaxy? Can you hear me? Use your powers to create a ball of pure light. Only you can save yourself now."

I concentrated and made the tiniest ball of light.

"Bigger? Please?" Shadow was begging right now.

I shook my head weakly.

"I can't believe this. You dying from a small ball for fire when you healed from that stab from my sword. This is insane."

"Anyway, I have something to say. "

"I... kind of like you."

For sone reason, I had a burst of magic upon hearing that. I made the ball of light bigger and Shadow grabbed hold of it.

"Make the light liquid."

"How're you gonna contain it then?"

"You'll see."

He made a container out of darkness and poured the liquid light into the darkness that seeped in my hand.

The light seeped in and the darkness faded.

I stood up.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I still hate you,BTW."

"But for now, you're my crush." Shadow kissed me.

Full on the lips.

I summoned a small ball of light and it flew at him. He caught it easily and it melted into him.

"Uh... light's not supposed to touch darkness? They repel each other."

"Yes, but this time, darkness is stronger than light."

My knees wobbled and I sank to the ground.

"Do you still want to continue this lesson?"

I nodded.

"The concept of catching balls of magic it to create something like a light forcefield, kind of like what you made on the battlefield."

"If you look closely, there is actually a thin layer of darkness. That is the forcefield. Now let's see yours."

I concentrated and my hand felt tingly. I looked down and saw a light forcefield around.

"Send a ball of darkness at me." I ordered.

He did and I caught it.

"Cool!" I played with the ball and threw it back at him, but encasing it with a layer of light but not directly touching the darkness.

"Oh, you're doing that!"

He layered it with darkness and threw it back at me. I did the same thing but with light. We did this over and over until the ball was as big as a basketball.

He said, "Let's make it hard. You concentrate on making it have a solid feel."

I did it, and I had a crazy idea.

"Let's combine our powers together and morph it into a ball that is gives shade out in the sun, and glows in the dark!"

"That is such an amazing idea! Let's do it!"

We combined our powers together and willed our powers to do what we want. The magic morphed into the ball and my genius idea worked!

"Now, let's compress it to make it fittable in a pocket!"

We did that and the ball shrunk into a ball the size of a raindrop. It was also in a shape of a raindrop and Shadow gave it to me.

We made another one.

"We should wear it everywhere."

"I'll find a friend to put a contact spell on it. In the meantime, why don't you make me clip so I can clip this on my shirt?"

I did it and made myself a necklace. I wore the magic and made the string feel soft but unbreakable. I wasn't satisfied and didn't stop until I made the string only glow softly whilst the raindrop shaped magic into auto light. I could will it to glow or be dimmer with my mind. I did the same to Shadow's.

He made expandable shades so we could expand the shade or make the shade smaller with also a thought.

We also made it stop glowing or shading us at a thought.

Last but not least, Shadow called a friend to help us put contact spells on our raindrops.

"We should give it a name."

"Raindrop. Or Shadow." I joked.

"Maybe Galaxy, then."

"I know! Meld."

"Meld? Ok, that's kinda good."

"Ok, then it's called Meld."


Ok, I know this is a long chapter.

1058 words in fact.

It's actually kind of like a 2-in-1 chapter.

Tell me if you want to do long or short chapters.


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