Shadow, Shadows, Shadow. Now I am Really Confused. God Dam.

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Shadow's POV (Oh... this is going to be fun!)

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice comimg out as a whisper.

"Shadow, Shadow." The man wrapped in shadows said.

"What?" I replied, like the dumb person I am.

"My. Name. Is. Shadow." The man said. He grinned manicly. "And I am in charge of the Shadows."

My mouth fell open. "Shadow..."

"H-help-p!" I heard a choked voice and a cough.

"Galaxy!" I shouted. I could see that she was struggling to escape. I could see a light ball forming in the tips of her fingers.

"No use, novice." Shadow laughed. He waved his hand and the shadows swallowed the light. "I am more powerful than you. I will triumph over the gods of Minecraftia!"

"So, what if the gods are in front of you?" Notch stepped out from the crowd, followed by Herobrine and Steve.

"Pah!" Shadow said. "Gods? I could beat you! And what do we have here? A computer geek, a glitch" -Herobrine balled his fists-" and a brine escaping from his bonds? And the Steves! Nice to meet you again, brothers." -The Steves winced at the word brothers- "So, a happy family reunion."

"Who are you?" Sophie shouted. I had to admit, she was brave.

"Now why should I tell you?" Shadow asked.

"Shadow." Rainbow Steve muttered, just enough for all of us to hear.

"Right!" Shadow said cheerfully. "But call me Shadow!"

"What's the difference?" I heard Boss Steve mutter.

Shadow ignored him.

"Now... why am I here?" He mused. "Ah... yes. I'm here to DESTROY YOU ALL!"

"I shall start with the Steves, my dear friends, huh?" He waved his hands and shadows rose and speeded towards the Steves. The Steves all flew up, but what they weren't expecting was that the shadows flew up with them, binding some of the Steves.

Green Steve wailed. "Blue!" He shouted, but it came out with a cough at the end.

"G-green." Blue Steve lifted his head up weakly. He was hit by the shadows and the impact stunned him temporarily.

"Now, who do we have here?" He asked sweetly.

"Don't you dare hurt them!" I felt myself saying.

"Ooo. A strong one." Shadow chuckled. "I am a descendent of shadows, you know."

"You aren't fit to be a descendant of Shadow!" I shouted.

He grinned, and I shivered. I could feel the coldness radiating of him, and his power.

He was strong.


Herobrine's POV

A descendant of shadows?

Wasn't he...

No. He can't be.

I stared at him.

"Shadow..." I said, trailing oof. (This typo was so funny I couldn't bear changing it)

"Yes, Hero?" He asked sweetly.

I winced.

"You..." I trailed off again.

"What?" He asked again.

"Shadow... Steve." I whispered.

"Yes!" He laughed. "Finally, someone can guess who I am!"

"Shadow. Come on." God Steve said. "You're still not over that?"

He suddenly turned angry. "I will never be over that!" He shouted. "Why should I be over that when..." He trailed off. "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

What was he talking about?

"Now... to continue my interrupted conversation... what do we have here?" He counted off his fingers. "Blue, Red, Gold, and Bedrock! Too bad Light isn't here. I would love to kill my counterpart." -At the word 'kill', Green Steve wailed-

"And of course, this lovely girl over here." He touched Galaxy's chin and lifted it up, forcing her to look at his deep dark eyes.

"I assume she is yours, Brian?" He turned to me.

Notch gasped, along with Steve.

I was thrown into a swirl of memories.

I was mining, with my brothers.

"What a nice day to be stuck down here." I grumbled.

"Well, at least we can be out of the rain." Notch replied.

We continued mining.

"Hey! I found a diamond!" I squealed.

"Good job, Brian!" Steve patted my back.

Notch gasped, and froze.

"Hello? Minecraftia to Notch?" I waved my hand in front of his face.

"W-w-" He pointed behind me.

Steve looked anxious.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Run!" Steve shouted, before I anticipated what was happening.

"Help!" I was thrown into a wave crashing my way.

"Brian!" Steve shouted. They were safely on a ledge, and were staring worriedly down at me.

"Ste-urgh!" I shouted, as I was pulled down into the water.

"Brian!" Notch shouted, but they were helpless, in the swirling mass of water.

I managed to resurface and saw that Notch's and Steve's ledge was crumbling.

"Notch!" I shouted, then I was pulled down.

I swam up and managed to say, "Ledge. Cracking. Go!" Then I sank.

I saw them fall, but I couldn't help them.

Just then, I had an idea.

I fished out some cobble from my inventory, then placed them under my feet, until I've created a small island of cobble.

"Hey! Guys!" I shouted. "Get cobble and make an island, Like me!"

They looked and took out some cobble.

"I'm out of blocks!" Notch shouted.

"I'm ok." Steve looked at Notch. "But what do we do?"

"Just wait here." I told Steve.

I started building over to where Notch was hanging, trying not to be swept away by the current.

"Come on up!" I hoisted him up to the thin bridge I made.

"You saved our lifes, Hero." Steve said. Than his eyes lighted up. "Hey. Maybe we could call you Hero from now on."

I shrugged. "I don't really care. Suit yourself."

"Ha. I present you..." Notch smiled. "Hero, the mightly hero who saved us from the evil flood!" He grinned.

"Ah ha!" Steve pointed at Notch. "Good one!"

"Are floods evil?" I asked, smiling.

"Certainly!" Notch and Steve said at the same time.

We collapsed into laughter.

A/N sorry about the late update I had loads of stuff to do and I am STILL on writer's block...

Expect slow updates and don't murder me because I don't update or something k?

Peace off dudes!

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