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Galaxy woke up in a grassy but blocky meadow.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around. "This looks like a Minecraft world, but it can't be, can it?"

There was a forest behind her.

"If this is really a Minecraft world, I should get some wood before it gets dark." She walked towards a tree.

She punched the wood in front of her. It cracked and a small floating piece of wood appeared in its place. She continued punching the wood until she had about 20 pieces of wood in her inventory.

"Ok, I'm no Minecraft expert, but I know I should make a crafting table first so I can craft more advanced stuff." She muttered.

So that's what she did. She crafted 4 wooden planks using one piece of wood. Then, she put the 4 wooden planks in her inventory and crafted a crafting table.

She placed the crafting table and crafted 4 sticks using 2 wooden planks. Afterwards, she crafted a wooden pickaxe.

"Time to get some cobblestone and coal!"

She set off towards a cave nearby and mined some cobblestone, set back towards the crafting table, and crafted a furnace.

"Too bad there wasn't any coal." She said wistfully. "I'll burn some wood in the furnace to make charcoal in the meantime."

"If I'm going to stay here for sometime, I better make a temporary shelter." She muttered. "There'll be just enough wood for me to convert into wooden planks to make a house."

She started building around her crafting table and furnace. She replaced the dirt inside the house with wooden planks. Vólia! A small but comfortable house was made.

"This is ok, I guess. I can make it bigger afterwards." She smiled. "I can put my belongings in a chest, and I will go kill a sheep for food and its wool. Once I get enough wool, I can make a bed to sleep though the night."

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