Saved From Darkness

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Herobrine's POV (1st P)

"Let's help Galaxy!" I shout. "Yay! Let's go!"

Uh... aren't you too hyper?

Shut up Notch.

Huh. Whatever.

LET'S GO! I shout in everybody's mind.

"WHAT THE FLIP?!" I heard everyone shout.

"Let's go everybody."

A while later...

"Galaxy!" I shout, hoping to attract her attention. "Come here!"

"I told you to call me Night." She scolded. "Needless, you will DIE!"

She fired a blast at us.

Steve just stood there, horrified.

Being the good guy I am, I pushed Steve along with me aside and the ball barely missed.

"What was that for?" Steve shouted at me. "You didn't need to do that!"

"I saved your life." I said matter-of-factly. "And seriously, I'm supposed to kill you."

I looked back.

Shadow and Notch were fighting against Galaxy.

No, Night.

"Why don't you join the fight, little Herobriney?" I heard Steve say. "Lost too much power?" He jeered.

"Stop." I said. "Why don't you go out and fight her yourself. And anyways, why did Notch even bring you."

"As you probably haven't noticed, I was going out before you so rudely stopped me."

I flew out and started casting spells like capture and incase.

It didn't work.

Hey. I got an idea. I said to Shadow and Notch.

What, bro?

We could combine our three power's and maybe it'll trap her. Then you, Notch, can do whatever stuff you need to do.

Ok. Good idea.

"Good job, Herobrine." Shadow said. "Now we can finally save her!"

We held hands and connected our souls. We became one and summoned a cage made by us three.

I muttered a spell and Night was trapped in it.

"Yay!" We gave each other high-fives.

"Now, do your thing, Notch."

A small sigh escaped from him.


He went to Galaxy and knelt beside her. I also went to give Notch a bit of extra energy if needed.

I sense his soul go into Galaxy's body and I sat beside him.

Notch was shaking uncontrollably and I touched his body.

I transferred some energy to him and also went in Galaxy's mind.

I saw Galaxy trapped in a corner of her mind, just laying there. She didn't appear to be conscious.

Notch was struggling against Night's grip. He was trying to heal Galaxy and was hitted repeatedly by Night's dark magic. He didn't have any energy to defend himself and he just lay there, injured and defeated.

"Brother?" I whisper.

He shook his head.

But it was too late.

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