One Measly Diamond

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Galaxy, with her new iron pickaxe, was ready to mine her diamonds. Or diamond.

The thought was still lingering in her mind. The thought that other people might or might not be here, in this weird blocky world.

She didn't even know if it was Minecraft.

Such talk.

"Am I sure if this is Minecraft?" The word poured out of her mouth, as it had, for other words, many times.

"Gosh, I need to control my mouth."
Galaxy grimaced.

The terrible truth was, Galaxy wasn't sure if this is Minecraft. She needed to get out of this world immediately, even if she enjoyed it.

"Whatever. I need my diamonds." Galaxy muttered under her breath, just enough for her to hear it, not that there were any other people around to hear it.

She went down to the cave system and went back to where she found her diamond or diamonds. She mined the diamond, and hoping for more, dug around it to earn nothing but cobblestone.

"DAMN it. I was hoping for more diamonds!" grumbled Galaxy. "What can I do with just one measly diamond?

I'm no expert at Minecraft, I'm just a novice, but the only thing I can,make with one diamond is to make a diamond shovel."

Galaxy said sadly, "It's just a waste of diamonds."

"I'd better get back home. I'll store this diamond at my home for future uses, if I ever find more diamonds. I'll just stick to an iron pickaxe and sword."

She stored the diamond safely in her secret chest buried underground.

She built back up, happy that her diamond was safe, but sad that she hadn't found more diamonds, and frustrated that the questions that remained in her head aren't answered, went to sleep with a lot of emotions inside her head.

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