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Galaxy's POV (3rd P)

She walked towards the magicproof room, or, the Magic room, as they call it. She went there so there won't be any accidents.

Surprisingly, Shadow was there.

"Can't you stop appearing for once?" Galaxy said playfully.

"Fine. There's another Magic room just next to this one." Shadow said, pretending to look hurt.

"Lol. See ya." Galaxy waved her hand and a doorway appeared.

She walked through the doorway and closed it.

She made a ball of light and made it bigger until it was bigger than a football.

She then opened a portal that leads right above to Shadow's head.

She made the lightball softer and dropped the ball into the portal.

A second later, Shadow appeared by her side.

"How dare you?" He growled, but unable to keep the laughter out of his voice.

"Nothing." Galaxy smirked. "Maybe I dropped a certain lightball on your head?"

She held up the lightball, and they cracked up.

"Seriously I thought we were supposed to practise our magic?"

"Yeah better go."

Shadow disappeared.

"I wonder, can I make myself invisible?"

"All I have to do it to combine the three main colours from the light spectrum and somehow encase myself in it."

(Correct me if I'm wrong and don't judge me I'm just a 10-year-old kid ok? )

"Lemme try."

She made the light different colours and they turned into pure white light, incasing herself in it.

(Correct me if I'm wrong again and don't judge :D )

She became invisible.

"Yay!" Galaxy raised her hand in signal of victory. "I'll make this functional in Meld, too."

She concentrated and held Meld. She disappeared.

"Now time for some trolling."

Shadow's POV (1st P)

I was starting to make my darkness powers not affect others. Such as Galaxy.

Suddenly, the room turned brighter.

"What the heck?" I say.

"Is this Galaxy again?" I thought. "What kind of joke is this now?"

The room suddenly turned pitch black.

"Seriously Galaxy?" I say.

The tiniest bit of light appeared, and exploded into a million glowing orbs, then the orbs disappeared, and everything went back to normal.

"Well, that was weird." I say.

"BOO!" I heard someone shout.


"Maybe... since just now?" She replied cheekily.

She disappeared.

I shook my head and went back to work.

Galaxy's POV (1st P)

I can't believe that worked!

Once I want back to my own room, I collapsed into laughter. It was just so funny.

He looked scared out of his mind.

I went back to pratising disappearing and appearing. I was starting to get the hang of it. I still putted the spell into Meld, just in case.

"You're doing pretty well now, Galaxy."

I spun around. No one.

"Who's there?" I asked, about to call Shadow here with Meld.

"Oh no I won't." The unknown said. (I'll just call him unknown for now.) "You'd better find me on your own."

I closed my eyes and imagined seeable sparkles fluttering everywhere and landing on whatever object or being it could reach.

I opened my eyes to see a sparkly being in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The unknown guy brushed the sparkles off himself and appeared.

He had a blue-green shirt and some dark-blue pants. He also have black hair. All of his features are somewhat normal except for his eyes. They were white and glowing.

Just like mines.

"My name is Herobrine. And I am your father."



Never thought of that, did you?

That's why I named this chapter Surprise.

I named it Herobrine's Return first, but then I realised that it ruins the whole chapter 'cause we know what's going on. Lol.

Anyway, I know Sophie's not in the story much, and I'm trying to get her in as much as possible.

Sorry Sophie.

Anyway cya!

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