Magic, Magic, More Magic

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Shadow's POV (3rd P)

"I can't believe I actually asked Galaxy out!" Shadow muttered under his breath.

"Well, She said she might grow to like me..."

"Whatever. I'll go ask her for more lessons."

Sophie's POV (1st P)

I feel left out.

Galaxy's been hanging out with Shadow lately.

"Hey! Sophie! Wanna go to magic lessons with me? Maybe your magic just haven't come yet. You might learn something!"

That was Galaxy.

"Ok!" I called back.

I followed Galaxy to a magicproof room and Galaxy was talking to Shadow there already.

"We should make this into a self-protecting Meld."

"Yeah, that'll be good. We'll do that later. First, about your eyes." Shadow said. "Your eyes glow when you use magic. What if you were caught by someone. You won't want people to know you've been using magic."

"Yeah. So what?"

"We need to find a way to cover up your eye glowing, possibly by more magic. "

"I'll try. Send a fireball at me."

"What?" I thought. "Send a fireball?"

Shadow sent a fireball at Galaxy and she caught it.

Her eyes glowed and she shook her head.

"Try layering this ball, like what we did with Meld."

Galaxy nodded.

She concentrated, and this time no glow came out of her eyes, yet the ball of darkness was covered by pure light.

"Cool." I said.

They tossed it between each other and covered it with more layers of darkness and light.

Then, they made it smaller and harder. They made it glow in darkness and give shade in sunlight.

It was very impressive. I never knew that they could control their magic so well. I feel kind of jealous.

Galaxy tossed the ball-like magic to me.

"Wear it." She said. "Shadow will ask his friend to put a contact spell on it. You can contact me anytime then."

"Cool." I said. I can't seem to say anything other than that.

"We'll make it self-protecting. That way, even you can have miniature magic."

"Sounds great."

"Give me your Meld, everyone. I'll make it shoot lightballs and make a forcefield at your will."

"And I'll make it shoot darkness fireballs, whatever you want."

"Thanks, guys." I shouted.

They looked at me.


They cracked up.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Came the reply.

"Anyways, I assume you two are girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"No! Nothing like that." Galaxy shook her hand.

"Actually, we haven't decided yet."

"We're kind of a unstable relationship."

"Like frienemys, you know?"

"Yeah, I suppose."

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