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Shadow's POV (1st P)

I was sitting in the rubble, where we made a temporary shelter.

"We must have hope." I heard Sophie mutter. "Don't lose hope, Sophie."

Why does it matter? I heard Eihpos say. Why bother when Galaxy is gone and everything is lost?

"Have hope, Eihpos."

"Uhh... so what do we do now." I said, stopping the conversation.

"We find someone who can help."

"Only Herobrine can help, but he's depressed."

"We can convince him." Sophie urged.

"Ok." I sighed. "We'll try, but don't blame me when Herobrine kills you."

We approached Herobrine.

"What do you want?" Herobrine asked in a weary voice.

"We want you to help free Galaxy."

"There's no hope." He sighed. "If you want help, try going to Notch, but that won't work because he hates me."

"Why don't we just try?" Sophie whined.

"Notch know where he is!" Herobrine shouted. "I'll try to help but YOU GET OUT!"

He shot a fireball at us and I pulled Sophie out of the way. We rushed away from Herobrine immediately.

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

I don't know what to do.

I could try finding Notch, but he hates me.

Kind of.

Well, better try.

Notch? Are you here?

Why do you ask?

My girl's in trouble. 


It's a wonder you remember her at all.

What happened?

Evil side took over.


Does that mean you won't help?


Seriously. We're here.

Oh. Oh yes. I remember.

Good for you.

Is it OK that I bring Steve?

Ugh. I guess so. No promises that I won't kill him though.

I'm coming.

Then he appeared in front of me.

With Steve.

I immediately leaped foward, summoning a enchanted diamond sword.

"STOP!" Notch shouted.

"Why?" I looked at Notch. "I'm supposed to kill him. And him me."

Steve had a sly look.

Too bad I was looking at Notch and didn't notice it.

He stabbed me.

"No!" I heard Notch shout.

Then I blacked out.

But not before I let out a ear-splitting scream.

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